I think limiting money is one way to control emotions, where it is a preventive measure so that our emotions are not provoked, with the existence of restrictions on money, time and so on, as an effort to avoid emotional turmoil is a way of controlling our emotions so that they are stable and safe, and our gambling remains on the path of gambling responsibly,.
I consider that when a person restricts himself with his money to play, he is not only protecting himself from his own emotions and impulses, he is also Becoming a person with full responsibility, he shows to be a confident person, for me it is the best strategy so far, the good thing is that not only in the game but in trading, then the benefit is double, but as long as it is respected that each game session must be done per day, or one or two days a week, but not in the same day do several game sessions, because it would become something that would not work.
Of course the session rate also needs to be regulated, it can't be on the same day, that would just be silly, setting an action like this needs to be coupled with other actions that can effectively give us an action that is correct and fit for purpose within certain limits, I agree with you that 1 session per day or 3 days a week to do gambling, it is a very good form of decision and I think it will be very effective, and it will make us much more responsible in doing gambling, someone who does this strategy will be very able to control himself and away from bad addiction.
On the moment that you are really that indeed playing gambling then it would really be that understandable or your part of your mind saying that you should be playing up even more just for you to be able win up big,
but this kind of mindset or principle here on crypto space isnt something that you would really be able to tell that its a good one. On the time or moment that you do find yourself trying out to point things on which
you do have your own job and this is something that should really be that in default. Gambling games is really just that for past time and not something that you would be thinking that it is really that easy to make
money out of it. Dont make yourself trying out to project those things ahead that this is something not a bad thing. Play according into your leisure needs.
It would really be that best that you should really be playing gambling for the sake of fun and not because you are already addicted into it. This is why it would really be that recommended
that you should be having that self control and moderation on which we know that this is something that would be relevant when trying out to control the situation at least.
Dont make yourself trying to imagine that you do able to make those huge wins because it couldnt really be just that possible in the current trend that we are seeing.