I also think that I lose a lot more money in the casino than I win, and that's with the condition that I limit my gambling budget and try to finish the game when I'm in the black.
In my opinion not to be upset about it, you just need to change your mind about gambling. The casino is not a place where you can make money. Even if you're lucky to win today it doesn't mean you can do it again tomorrow or the day after. Play for fun and don't chase the money.
Overall, we agree. however, for this type of casino game.
The fact is, that we lose more money than what we win. I think it's natural, because after all, almost all casino games are based purely on luck. So, as you said, that casino is not a place to make money. precisely, for fun. but with conditions, money that can afford to lose. but, it would be nice if we first trained our control so that we are not compelled to always chase losses. because usually what happens is the opposite, even potentially suffering even greater losses. that's why, it's important to have good self-control. although, sometimes we find it difficult to divert when the situation has been controlled by emotions. but, I think this is the ups and downs of the world of gambling.