Everyone is more confused as before the ANN ob MobileGo!
If I understand it correct the MobileGo Token is only for the mobile shop and what happens with the GameCredits Store you can access from PC? It is not supprise
that some people are dumping the GAME Token and troll all around if you do not make the ecostytem clear!
From my understanding GAME is and was only for the value transfer into the Games FIAT <-> GAME; Crypto <-> GAME. It is just Bitcoin a store of value and transaction.
- on top you coded the GAME Store and announced it for month without any hind for the need of the new token (bad idea!).
- the new token gets some portion of the 10% fees you collect from the store and you can use this token to build new services to the Gamers. This is not possible with GAME because
it is a simple cryptocoin without programable codebase like Ethereum.
1. How many stores will be running for the GameCredit Token? I do not understand if we will have 2 or more stores. 1 for mobile 1 for the web etc.
2. Why does the MobileGo Store needs GAME anyway? You just can use the new token and can switch anytime, and this is the real concern here, because this is not clear
- so, any promise that GAME will be used in the future and not be switched for the new token?
You're clearly super confused because a lot of what you said is entirely wrong.
The GameCredits store does NOT NEED MOBILEGO to function. We are fine without. Also the Mobile Store is just like google play or apple. It can exist on both PC's and Mobile Devices. Mobile gaming however is the FASTEST GROWING GAMING SECTOR BY A LOT so we are promoting it as a mobile store.
MobileGo will be a feature inside of the GAMECREDITS STORE. It will be used for a virtual item marketplace, tournament system, and peer to peer matchplay. These functions are ONLY POSSIBLE USING A SMART CONTRACT TOKEN LIKE MOBILEGO.
However, those features don't have anything to do with GameCredits. GameCredits is the coin gamers must use to buy in-game items and buy games on the store. This is explicitly said many many times.
Even if MobilleGo fails GAMECREDITS WILL STILL LAUNCH AS PLANNED. But why would we create MobileGo if it isn't technically necessary?
So we can use millions of dollars to market the GameCredits Store and get MILLIONS OF GAMERS TO START USING GAMECREDITS LIKE WE ALWAYS PLANNED. A marketing fund created with MobileGo would mean growing the Mobile Store 20 times faster than possible without such a fund. Also with the funds we can build the MobileGo virtual item system and create a billion dollar marketplace in the GameCredits Store. And all of these items will have been bought in the GAME Store games using GameCredits.
ok thanks!
now i read the whitepaper the 3rd time and finally i think i got it. My misunderstanding came from the presentation on mobilego.io there you state "The First Crypto-Centric Mobile Gaming Platform and Store For In-Game Purchases". And you show pictures from the GameCredits Store. So i got confused and thought you are launching for the mobile market a second store, but this is not the case!
- so to sum it up
- there is only 1 GameCredits Store - nothing changed!!!!
- for the next steps you needed a new token because you want to create p2p tournaments (like Firstblood), ingame marketplaces etc. nothing to do with the GameCredits Store, but something we can leverage on, if we have the games and the gamers already - got it!
Does this sound like it is now clear to me?
So a good opportunity to buy, but i am already invested to much in GAMES!