I guess we will see, I don't want to really want go after Cryptsy myself because I wouldn't want to sabotage markets I'm actively perusing and like the staff they have but I think it might end up costing them a fair bit if the SEC starts throwing down charges.
You see this kind of attitude annoys me. It's like you are saying you don't want this scam to totally implode because it's going to burn a hole in your wallet. I, on the other hand know that if subpoenas or search and seizure warrants were issued against cryptsy then that would instantly kill Garza's only revenue stream.
You seem to have a conflict of interest. You want paycoin and Garza to crash and burn but as long as it isn't detrimental to your profits.
I think as this scam reaches it's conclusion later in 2015 cryptsy will have serious legal questions to answer.
Cryptsy is also an integral part of the Cryptocurrency system and undoubtably a very large market so I want to get PayCon added but then if I'm going there trying to lead lawsuits against them etc. then I would also be shooting myself in the foot. Of course I want to see a resolution but I also want to make profits as well so then what would you recommend?
why dont we create a $21 floor and make our own exchange..... we can call it ConEx or ExCon or ConX
I think that would defeat the purpose of creating a completely decentralized Coin with organic growth, if there was a $21 floor then people would immediately sell into the floor and would require 100 million dollars!!!
Would be better to focus on creating ConStand, the online marketplace where you could list items for PayCon and choose your prices, that way people either need to own those Coins already and want to give it up for the particular item, or need to buy Coins from exchanges in order to get the item which would quickly drive up prices. If it just costs $20 to buy enough Coins to buy a PS2 or other items when you could easily sell it for profit on ebay (or use it) then it doesn't really matter what the price of the Coin is and drives more profits for the userbase. Coming from a lower marketcap, the holders would then turn around and put up sell orders/move Coins on to the exchanges which would drop difficulty and those holding would Stake more Coins.
This can be applied as well to real world uses as well such as using the Coin for events. Parties and events cost very little, you could sell tickets to a particular event along with drinks, merchandise and food at a large discount, people would need to buy the coin in order to get the discount (or pay cash at full price) and drives up price, holders inject liquidity into the market and all other holders receive larger payouts for holding.