There is no winning or losing in this thread. I post information and the main focus is grammar & not facts.
Then I see emails to amazon, Once again Focusing on prevention of delivery. What is the point? Even if Which it does not it did violate the ToS. What is the point in trying to prevent them from doing what they say they are going to do? Why are amazon's ToS important to you, Why are you so concerned whether it comply with ToS as opposed to if they deliver the purchased products.
Once again by doing this you are not
Attempting to hurt GAW but its investor's Once again Sabotaging peoples investments. Pure scumbag, A Giant piece of Steamy dog shit that would have the audacity to question my integrity. You should be ashamed of yourself.
You are attacking those investors opportunity actually get what was promised. You just cant stand the thought of losing. You pretend to care about the people who lost money when the reality is you are a big part of the reason for previous failures. Karma is a Bitch, Just rember that over the next couple of weeks as we make a mochery of all the little basement dwelling peice of shit dirtbags who set out to stop somthing much larger then anything any of you will ever accomplish in your entire pathetic little lifes.
As a Winner
I get to say
PS. Its flattered you guys think I'm josh. I fucking wish!
if you're smart enough to get away with all the shit you do then you earned it,
silk road operators were smarter than you, smarter than josh and they made 100 fold more than you pices of scam shit,
yet where are they now?
good luck with your scams
your just small fish now its all about time
you'll never know how it feels to create something valuable that helps other people,
looking back all your life for the sams you made once is worthy? really? i bet those guys running silk road tought that way,
now they will rot in jail for the rest of their life...
now you GAW lemmings, you expect to get rich with trusting your money to a piece of shit that never takes his own word seriously?
really what kind of idiot one must be to keep trusting him till now?
reality is cruel, you want to be rich, you got to earn it, not waisting your time in some shittalk waiting for piece of shit called josh to make you rich...
so you get a life idiots, you all are getting burned all over again and continue to lie like you dont but you do...
first you get promissed 20$ per coin now you're happy if you get 1$ are you total morrons?
This is the last thing i have to say about the ponzi,
The fact cannot be ignored that the users are informed and willing to take a bet / risk. I am no some scumbag preying on the unsuspecting uninformed by ruse or disguise of some magical investment platform. It is thoroughly explained on the main page exactly how ponzi's work and what they do. It tells users there is a High risk of loss and what is required for them to gain.
There are no " Victims" of my website as they are informed users who knowingly and Willingly give there money to the person / people who deposited before them In hopes that someone or someones will continue to do the same for them. The losers of this should given no more sympathy then one who loses a blackjack bet. I genuinely never took a dime from these people more then my advertised fee's I've always remained transparent and available for contact.
The fact stands there is a market & demand, Some of these people enjoy playing these services. Why should i not provide the service if i can? Would you prefer that these people use a different kind of service like Cryptodouble that mislead its users and allowed knowing users to target unknowing people to buy into its a investment? Thats a Scam. What I provided was something different.
My server was not a "Scam" Nor "Fraud" Reguardless of you you twist things, Ive just about finished paying every single person from my unrealistic 75% Return guarantee from the old out of pocket. Furthermore the Ponzi link in the bottom has been finished and abandoned for weeks now. I initially stoped it to add new upgrades and features, I have however long since lost interest in the project, This can be validated by the last deposit date at the bottom & lack of deposit address on the page. The fact that its in my sig still was an oversight until it was brought up. The only reason it remains is because im not running or hiding anything, so while it remains a topic of discussion, which it shouldn't. It will remain, eventually it will be removed.
Now that all the bullshit should be out of the way.
So far things have been going well for me. I didnt just buy in at penny's either. I made smart decisions at the right time and managed to turn a profit, Im nobody special nor have I claimed I came here because this is the Uncensored GaW chat, You voice yours i voice mine. My experience has been positive, Some of your claims are inaccurate, Should my character be attacked because I disagree with you're statements. FFS last week i came here and argue'd that the investors of paycoin who have lost shouldn't be made a mockery of and got the same response.
What is happening here is worse then censorship & Promotes pure foolishness in which I myself have participated in. None the less it all kills the credibility of some of the very realivant questions raised here when you insist on attacking and twisting everything to focus on anything but the dispute of you're claims. You dont play fair & Finally You will either see pictures of my purchase or you a apology and i wont be back here. This place is a fucking circus.