With what money? GAW is broke. Garza pulled his hefty salary for as long as he could, and now there's nothing left. They have to sell all of their XPY just to make payroll and pay for basic internet services.
Suing GAWminers won't do much. You have to sue the people who have profited from the scam. For that, you have to know who has Prime Controllers, or at least the ones that stake at that insane rate.
So you're saying all the claims about how GAW made money off this were just lies?
Correct, GAW PR claims about fancy domain purchases and corporate acquisitions were just lies.
The company has been bleeding cash for a long time, likely since before hashlets even when they tried to undercut everyone with ASIC pricing.
$100 million business this ain't.
There seemed to be a bunch of people in this thread saying that gaw was making a lot of money from dumping, but also a lot of people saying that gaw is broke. There isn't a coherent narrative that ties those two together; if it was a scam (which it clearly is at this point), then it must have made money for someone. To claim that gaw is both smart enough to pull off the scam and then incompetent enough to not make any money from it breaks suspension of disbelief.
Something still doesn't add up.