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Fwd: GAW
Feb 16John Caceres
Hope you're having a good day. I sent you an email about responding to these questions in anticipation of an 11am call tomorrow. Would be great, as I alluded to earlier, to respond to each question and then I'll respond to your responses...question, play devil's advocate. If you need more time, I can let Kate know and we can try pushing it back to a later time in the day.
Please let me know, soonest, as I'll be out of touch from about 6:30 until tomorrow morning, when I'll be headed to CT. (Nikki's internet and phone will be installed tomorrow so I'll have service when I'm there going forward). I also suggested that you and I are in the same room...perhaps the conference room, while this is taking place.
I look forward to hearing from you.
John C. Caceres
Chief Marketing Officer
Business Technology for Cryptocurrency
34 East Dudley Town Road
Bloomfield, CT 06002
[email protected]917.882.0900 - Mobile
802.359.7569 - VT Office
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[email protected] <
[email protected]>
Date: Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 10:36 AM
Subject: Re: GAW
To: John Caceres <
[email protected]>
Hey! Thanks for writing me! So I am interested in what's going on with GAW and Paycoin. I have seen that people are upset about how things are playing out, so I'm hoping you can address what is going on:
1) There are claims that Paycoin reneged on a promise for a $20 floor, as I'm sure you know. I am looking for clarity here: Did anyone acting as a representative for GAW explicitly make this promise?
2) Can you offer insight about why this controversy happened- is it a misconception in the community? (I have read this post: but I am more interested in what GAW is doing *currently* to get the coin price up, and whether GAW still plans on fulfilling that goal.
3) This is what Josh is quoted as saying in an article on Coinbase:
“I always said two things. We would buy paycoins at $20, or we would use our resources to manage to $20. They both mean the same thing. We will do everything in our power to make the price $20. And that's what we are doing.”
Is that an accurate quote?
4) Are you being investigated by the SEC? If so, for what?
5) What do you think some of the biggest misunderstandings/untruths floating around about GAW and Paycoin are?
6) Can you reveal any upcoming partnerships? With Amazon or other retailers/merchants? Or if you can't reveal specific partnerships, can you talk about what GAW is doing to pursue partnerships?
7) What are some POSITIVE things happening with Paycoin right now?
I have other questions but these are the most pressing right now, I think. Thanks!
Kate Knibbs
Staff writer, Gizmodo
On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 8:20 AM, John Caceres <
[email protected]> wrote:
Good morning, Kate.
I'm hoping this finds you well. Josh Garza, my partner, passed along your contact information given that I am the media contact and spokesperson for our company. Nice to be contacted by Gizmodo, a publication we hold in high regard and one that is balanced, reporting with integrity.
It would be most helpful if you could summarize or list the topics you would like to discuss.
We look forward to hearing from you and working with Gizmodo. In the meantime, have a great morning.
With best regards,
John C. Caceres
Chief Marketing Officer
Business Technology for Cryptocurrency
34 East Dudley Town Road
Bloomfield, CT 06002
[email protected]917.882.0900 - Mobile
802.359.7569 - VT Office
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Feb 17Josh Garza
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If you can get us something later in the day, that would be great.
We can connect about an hour before the scheduled time to review?
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Feb 18John Caceres
thought you may have been copied on reviewing them, again. I saw that you were not. I have not heard back from Gizmodo, yet. If I don't hear back soon, I'll reach out to her.
Also, have sent Jonah an email regarding what we spoke about yesterday.
John C. Caceres
Chief Marketing Officer
Business Technology for Cryptocurrency
34 East Dudley Town Road
Bloomfield, CT 06002
[email protected]917.882.0900 - Mobile
802.359.7569 - VT Office
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jonah Dorman <
[email protected]>
Date: Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 5:20 PM
Subject: Re: GAW
To: John Caceres <
[email protected]>
1) There are claims that Paycoin reneged on a promise for a $20 floor, as I'm sure you know. I am looking for clarity here: Did anyone acting as a representative for GAW explicitly make this promise?
"No comment."
2) Can you offer insight about why this controversy happened- is it a misconception in the community? (I have read this post: but I am more interested in what GAW is doing *currently* to get the coin price up, and whether GAW still plans on fulfilling that goal.
The company is currently actively seeking merchant partners, working with a development team on a roadmap which will solidify the development of PayCoin as laid out in the whitepaper. There are new stores and services coming online and being actively built which will increase the usability of PayCoin and we have not forgotten our core vision in developing PayCoin.
3) This is what Josh is quoted as saying in an article on Coinbase:
“I always said two things. We would buy paycoins at $20, or we would use our resources to manage to $20. They both mean the same thing. We will do everything in our power to make the price $20. And that's what we are doing.”
Is that an accurate quote?
"No comment."
4) Are you being investigated by the SEC? If so, for what?
Everyone operating in the crypto space is under inquiry, investigation, whatever the term of the day is. We have no reason to believe we are any different.
5) What do you think some of the biggest misunderstandings/untruths floating around about GAW and Paycoin are?
The concept that PayCoin would built 100% and launched as a massive decentralized network and version 1.0 coin on day 1. This was never planned and has never happened with a coin. Crypto's launch and take time to get the public running nodes and gain a decent autonomy from the creator. That timeframe is the reason why things like prime controller bidding were not put into the coin and not planned for 6 months.
"Test Node" coins. The prime controller used on the live net to test the variable staking system was not a "test node" it was an actual prime controller. Everything passed on the test net and then we moved that code over to a single prime node on the live net in coordination with our coin developers to ensure the fix worked correctly. The coins from that node were eventually destroyed.
6) Can you reveal any upcoming partnerships? With Amazon or other retailers/merchants? Or if you can't reveal specific partnerships, can you talk about what GAW is doing to pursue partnerships?
As we have learned from our past we cannot discuss upcoming partnerships or name any partners. We have a team who spends all day every day working on partnerships with retailers, crypto service providers and merchants to grow PayCoin adoption.
7) What are some POSITIVE things happening with Paycoin right now?
We are working on a revamped roadmap and a set of developers to get the coin development restarted and bring some new and existing features to life in the coin.
Jonah Dorman
General Manager
GAW Miners LLC
O: (860) 222-2631
C: (727) 386-6825
Inline image 2
On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 12:14 PM, John Caceres <
[email protected]> wrote:
Below are the questions from Gizmodo. Your help is appreciated.
Also, would like to talk about reporter that you put together paragraph on as well as Cyrus from Ars Technica.
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Feb 18John Caceres
I've added to what Jonah as provided which is not much, I'm in red (I'd like to talk about the "no comment" responses to understand why). Seems what we have here, per Jonah, makes good sense and is clear, even addressing the "destroying of coins." I still have to hear from Gizmodo, as I have not, yet, to reschedule given her burst pipes, etc.
1) There are claims that Paycoin reneged on a promise for a $20 floor, as I'm sure you know. I am looking for clarity here: Did anyone acting as a representative for GAW explicitly make this promise?
"No comment."
2) Can you offer insight about why this controversy happened- is it a misconception in the community? (I have read this post: but I am more interested in what GAW is doing *currently* to get the coin price up, and whether GAW still plans on fulfilling that goal.
The company is currently actively seeking merchant partners, working with a development team on a roadmap which will solidify the development of PayCoin as laid out in the whitepaper. There are new stores and services coming online and being actively built which will increase the usability of PayCoin and we have not forgotten our core vision in developing PayCoin and our plan is to continue to realize that vision.
3) This is what Josh is quoted as saying in an article on Coinbase:
“I always said two things. We would buy paycoins at $20, or we would use our resources to manage to $20. They both mean the same thing. We will do everything in our power to make the price $20. And that's what we are doing.”
Is that an accurate quote?
"No comment."
4) Are you being investigated by the SEC? If so, for what?
Everyone operating in the crypto space is under inquiry, investigation, whatever the term of the day is. We have no reason to believe we are any different and are happy to comply with SEC.
5) What do you think some of the biggest misunderstandings/untruths floating around about GAW and Paycoin are?
The concept that PayCoin would built 100% and launched as a massive decentralized network and version 1.0 coin on day 1. This was never planned and has never happened with a coin, ever. Cryptocurrencies launch and they take time to get the public running nodes and gain a decent autonomy from the creator. That timeframe is the reason why things like prime controller bidding were not put into the coin and not planned for 6 months. That said, we are on track in creating value for PayCoin.
With regard to "Test Node" coins. The prime controller used on the live net to test the variable staking system was not a "test node" it was an actual prime controller. Everything passed on the test net and then we moved that code over to a single prime node on the live net in coordination with our coin developers to ensure the fix worked correctly. The coins from that node were eventually destroyed.
6) Can you reveal any upcoming partnerships? With Amazon or other retailers/merchants? Or if you can't reveal specific partnerships, can you talk about what GAW is doing to pursue partnerships?
As we have learned from our past we cannot discuss upcoming partnerships or name any partners. We have a team who spends all day every day working on partnerships with retailers, crypto service providers and merchants to grow PayCoin adoption.
7) What are some POSITIVE things happening with Paycoin right now?
We are working on a revamped roadmap and a set of developers to get the coin development restarted and bring some new and existing features to life in the coin.
John C. Caceres
Chief Marketing Officer
Business Technology for Cryptocurrency
34 East Dudley Town Road
Bloomfield, CT 06002
[email protected]917.882.0900 - Mobile
802.359.7569 - VT Office
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