and if they didn't withdraw the XPY? forgot? didn't care?
buckrogersredux 10:26 PM
probably what happened when you and your goon squad destroyed Bitstone and people lost all their coins when the exchange shut off the coin, so you cost people thousands of $$$$ thanks for that moon! you dick lol
do you really care? do you? all you do is try to destroy, why not try to build for once, and scam busting is not a real job, unless you are stay at home depressed housewife?
even so, you cause a lot of shit
what i think is that you actually own a shit ton of ion and are just stirring up shit and trouble as usual
i mean you did own a shit ton of xpy right? and were an original gaw member right?
did getting hurt , bruise your soul that bad or was it dark already? i wonder?
nuff said, you simply a distraction here
buckrogersredux 10:45 PM
i wouldnt know and frankly i dont care about her, i care about ion for now
and don't need any saboteurs here, with no agenda lol
or a bad one
nuff said and finger pecking wasted on that topic
but tl;dr suchmoon was involved with gaw and xpy either as a forum member or investor or whatever , butt hurt and now devotes life to this lol
stop fuc** ing with peoples investments
like the shark
all fun and games until someone loses an eye lol
so when are we gonna be rich? lol jk
mrcoins 10:49 PM
I have often wondered what drives "it" and "it's" group, and I am astonished to find it was an original GAW member / investor. And so not only is disrespectful and offensive but also hypocritical. Astonished at the hypocrisy of it
tl;dr: dem troles destroy EVERYTHING.