Yep, bl4nk is gone as well. GAW MO is to burn any bridge that has outlived its usefulness so it isn't surprising.
Sorry for the brusque language, just tired of seeing people try to make excuses for the HT community OR saying cf throws around baseless accusations and that's how I took what you were saying.
No hard feelings.
I expect facts, especially from journalists and i'm satisfied with CF's response at the moment. We had enough FUD in crypto.
I used to be GAW client in August and September and they looked like a responsible company at the time. Them DDOSing sites and stealing domains still seems improbable, at least to me, but a burned investor like geekhaven... who knows.
Possible FUD below:
Another thing I'm interested in is their relation with Hashie. Back in the day a lot of people attacked GAW threads pushing hashie shares and calling GAW a scam, later when hashie failed somebody said that the owner of hashie is a moderator on hashtalk. Can anyone confirm this? Did GAW have a double agent leeching their clients and mimicking their business model, or were they working together, acting like a competing businesses to get the most out of the market?
That is something we've been trying to followup on regarding Hashie. One of our contributors made some headway regarding a moderator on Hashtalk having something to do with Hashie but as of yet we haven't found anything conclusive enough that I'd be willing to publish.
We are going to be releasing a blog post this afternoon detailing our editorial process and fact-checking systems along with a commitment to publish an Editorial Bible on GitHub for others to use, edit and guide when running any sort of news site.
The post detailing our process has been on the back burner but we promised to do it and I have a copy editor reviewing the feature now. The GitHub release of the Bible will come in the near future as well. We need to remove some of our "secret sauce" such as who can be contacted to vet something off the record and the naming of some sources but we hope that this document can help not only those in the cryptocurrency news space but those in other news spaces as well.
It is sad that some investors have been burned in this and many other cryptocurrency things but we hope we can help provide some accurate reporting to prevent further things like this in the future and show people they can vet statements as well.