he has now twisted it around.
Original suggests that they denied him use of the main hall probably owing to it would not be filled due to lack of interest and thus a waste of the main hall. His new spin suggests the main hall is not good enough/insufficient (too small perhaps?) for Homero and his oversubscribed Q&A sessions.
The guy is something else.
So it looks like he posted the e-mails with Moe Levin. I'm not sure I'm following the logic there. Some context must be missing.
Industry Innovator
Still speaking
Still speaking.
We created and open forum to address real questions vs a scripted speech:
On Friday, January 16, 2015, Moe Levin wrote:
Understood. Will do.
Do you want to use the lounge on second floor or have me find another place?
Also what is your cell number. Three palettes just arrived at convention centre and we need to move the boxes. 2500lbs of shirts. Cost for movers is $1000.
On 16 Jan 2015 13:54, "Josh Garza" wrote:
It's ok, I did not think it was intentional.
Give our sponsor level, I would like to ask you send out about communication letting people know that I am still speaking. And we are working still working on finding a venue to accommodate the open forum Q&A
Please do this before this gets out of control. I know neither of us want more headaches
On Friday, January 16, 2015, Moe Levin wrote:
You confirmed not keynoting.
We will announce the open forum during the conference.
Are you still participating at the mining panel?
Sorry for the confusion
On 16 Jan 2015 13:45, "Josh Garza" wrote:
Hey, your email created some confusion. I am still speaking, but the open hall could not accommodate the open style forum we wanted to do. And your helping us find another room.
I am not clear why you wrote I would not be speaking
Typical Homero, after five minutes no one knows what the f*** is going on anymore. He's just constantly changing plans, principles, programs, rules, schedules, and what not. I would ask: why can't he just agree to something and stick with it? But then, I think I know the answer.