I like how even the drones are pushing back in the face of his bullshit now.
Jack isnt a drone, probably pushes more buttons than most anyway. I haven't had reason to suspect he is at all. You will find his posts get hidden and buried very fast. Notice how GAW ignored it and the influx of dead shits posted afterwards all this happy shit.
I figured only drones were left over there at this point. In truth I never read hashtrash or whatever it's called unless someone posts a link to something interesting in this thread. So I have no idea who is who over there.
Fair enough, But I am seeing jack still post but nothings coming up. so I take it Josh has shadow banned him for posting that.
Ease up noob, said I would always come here the day I got any ban from HT. Guess I couldn't push the boundaries for the lemmings anymore. Asking the questions that needed to be and stating things that even a 10 year old would understand what they are being told is bullshit. Now I have been promised he may look into my account - what for ? you shadow banned me. First time I have ever heard that being flagged bans you....it only puts a report in the system for a mod to check the post/thread I am not an idiot like lemmings yo, I know and get along with your mods very very well, and probably why I haven't been banned at all till now.
Yes I am fully aware posting this wont get me unbanned but, I really don't care