You fudders upset him... he's been trolling the slack but mostly off topic as far as I can see. Certainly not "asking question" as we've been told slack is for.
But if it is about ion not gaw, then I would appreciate much more ion team answering here than looking what MrCoins asks on their channel. Can you tell me what he asked ?? and not ?? in his private conversations or do you also mean that he should discuss about how much where and why he would or would not invest in public??? Isn't exactly this what brought him into connection with gaw? Now, you all want him to do the same what he did, why that? They should come over and reply questions, they can open self moderated thread (just a tipp because they seem to see this forum as user unfriendly ) and keep control of their thread, I do not care what MrCoins tells me here if somebody lied to him, how to know it ? He was already used by ganza, if we see it this way and think this all is scam, why should we listen at all what he has to say?
I love bitcointalk and the way things just happen or not in crypto, this GAW is neverending story and sadly it is already part of an cryptohistory that if ever teached will include naked ganza pics and some boobs of his J, that's more terrible than all the rest that came with everything after GAW. All these crooks are unpunished, Rick, Joe, Ganza, Amanda, .... so many and you guys stick on MrCoins and Adam, I just cant believe this, but what should I say, we write cryptohistory currently , just hope there will be an donkey on school pics who punished ganza , time will tell us more...
Those other crooks that you mention had the common sense to not whore themselves out to spin-off projects so there is not much to say about them, other than hoping that alphabet agencies will sort it out.
MrCoins on the other hand is (or was recently) shilling again, this time pretending to have done his homework. However there is no evidence of said homework. I don't care if he asks questions privately or publicly but he refused to disclose any details of what made him so convinced the "team" is trustworthy. Trying to justify ionomy lies (e.g. the company registration doesn't matter etc) is just one example of why MrCoins can't be trusted.
No, they did not?? What about Joe => BitL*nd..... ?
Shilling is an word that by far not the same as scamming. If you define shilling as "knowing it is an scam but still promoting", then we do not agree, as for this would be scamming by definition. What is shilling and how can an shiller be of such importance compared to an employee (part of an scam).
Do you maybe reffer to other fact that other help or try to help afterwards because they just so nice people and are scared if any troubles are incoming for them. What would be if ganza would have shared some money with them, would you still protect them?
I disagree with you totaly in point of MrCoins. To not discuss a lot around, explain me what do you understand as shilling an how is he to make responsible for that. Did you try to set up any business during Hashtalk time? What brought you actually to open this thread? I think I do remember very well, but as we disagree, I might be wrong.