Another thing; I keep on seeing this about zincsave being banned by amazon, but it's hard to find info on it; when I do searches I just find articles saying how zincsave works. Can anyone find the original source for zincsave was banned story?
Good question , I cannot confirm that rumor either but what I can confirm is: will my order come from?
We fulfill your order from the lowest cost vendor or retailer. This means that if yo
u place an order using the PaySave button on Macy's, it may come in a box from Walmart, or vice versa. What retailers are supported?
PaySave currently supports Walmart, Macy's, and Target. We'll be supporting more retailers very soon!
Homepage mentions amazon but FAQ omits.
The way is works: joined that retailer's affiliate program and give you portion of their referral commission. All four of the retailers mentioned have an affiliate program with their online store.
Which means it's NOT a real coupon. It's commission split. This also means if you used any referral links, like you clicked through someone else's referral link, this will likely "steal" that referral and substitute their own.
What clients don't like about it:1) Shipping may take longer
2) The ordered items don't appear on the clients history
3) Returns and cancellations have to be handled through zincsave and not directly through amazon
4) Products may come from another company entirely (This is the part you need to pay attention to as paysave will scalp sales from merchants)
What amazon TOS says about it:We've received an official response from Amazon regarding the Chrome extension and intend on publishing it in the near future once all of the facts are gathered in the matter but I'm going to take the highlights of the response and share them here in the meantime.
"Amazon does not allow nor condone the use of any piece of software that violates our terms of service specifically the following sections:
[...] will not intercept, record, redirect, read, interpret, or fill in the contents of any electronic form or other material submitted to us by any person or entity.
[...] will not request, collect, obtain, store, cache, or otherwise use any account information used by our customers in connection with any Amazon Site [...]
[...] will not modify, redirect, suppress, or substitute the operation of any button, link, or other feature of the Amazon Site.
[...] will not make any orders or engage in other transactions of any kind on the Amazon Site on behalf of any other person or entity, or authorize, assist, or encourage any other person or entity to do so.
[...] will not take any action that could reasonably cause any customer confusion as to our relationship with you, or as to the site on which any functions or transactions (e.g., search, browse, or order) are occurring.
Any piece of software, extension or other system which implies a partnership or intercepts customers or customer information is in direct violation of our terms and Amazon will act accordingly."
These are just some highlights. As we continue securing facts and information our team will work to publish a full piece.