Wtf is this? Homero wants to charge for paybase and then if you don't sell your paycoins he may give you free access!? Only giving out 10000 free premier accounts...LMFAO. this scammer could concoct such a lame plan.
Oh and so this is the beta. So there was no beta before this. Wasn't it claimed there was a beta. I know nobody cares cause the lie count is off the charts at this point.
He's charging for Premier. The basic services are still free.
And there can be multiple betas for a product, I've seen that many times. You have a private beta then a public one.
This is the first of anyone mentioning this release is a beta though. I love how these things are always omitted. I have no problem risking all my money on a beta lol. Sure, this is only dealing with financial transactions. No biggie if something is lost or screwed up. LMFAO again. Huge failure for Gaw. Who the fuck is going to trust their investments on untested beta code? Oh wait, the cultists have no issue with this. Well good luck and don't cry when your hard earned paycoins or BTC starts disappearing on you.
Honestly I don't have much of a problem using beta services. Some of the bitcoin services I've used were in beta. (For example both and are in beta, and I've used both of them. I've made a profit from fairlay and should soon from betmoose.) If there's a trust problem with the company, that is regardless of whether it's a beta or not, and if not, then you're fine. Companies in beta usually offer better service because they're small, although this obviously wouldn't apply here.
Something I don't get, and GAW keeps advertising:
Avoid Network Fees
PayBase allows you to send and receive payments without owning or using a credit card. That means you bypass costly credit card networks and save money on every transaction you make.
As a consumer, what network fees am I avoiding? Isn't that the merchant which would avoid credit card network fees? Or is the implication that the merchant is passing on the savings of not dealing with a credit card? Since Target/Amazon/Walmart are not directly accepting Paycoin, and I doubt that GAW as a middle man is writing them checks or mailing them cash, how is the merchant saving anything that can be passed on to me?
Im just not getting this.
Perhaps it works like credit cards rewards? If you use it with a legacy debit card, than gaw gets the old 5% and can pass some on to you. Does that make sense?