Please let me sell my hashstakers please I want to get right out of this shit hole.
Bit pointless whining about that here isn't it?
Also, Homero lied again - he said he would take the Cash takers off zencloud so you cant buy them anymore, they are still there nearly a day later.
OMG. 24 hour delay. DEFINITELY A SCAM!!!!
Have some patience lad.
I sense the aggrieved circle jerk is running out of steam, you're definitely running out of GAW 'fails' to gush over. Maybe you guys could start a new thread for your ASIC discussion and lock this thread?
You are not a very good shrill are you, if you have been paying attention to the thread and not just your own posts you will see Homero responds to us indirectly and directly.
If he sees that not only do we want to get out with our XPY, which we have
Some of us also need to completely get out and rid us of this cancer that is cashtakers.
Thats what it will take me to get out of this thread. Nothing more or less.
No its not a delay he said he will remove them from sale when he converts the remaining solos/primes to takers of cash. No where did he say oh btw we will remove sale in x hours. Maybe its me but I value when a person says they are going to do something and do it...and think when the opposite happens its hypocritical and right for the shit people cop for it. Not sure where your morals are..blinded by greed perhaps ?
I'm right there with you, Josh, I know your listening as you personally messaged me before. I can even post that for people to see if I need to. But just let me out of this nightmare, let me sell my cashtakers and I'll be out of your way. That's what will get me to shut up about all this. At that point if people cannot see this bullshit for what it is, fine, but you holding us hostage, and basically gave us no real good choice to change over to hashstakers since zen miners were unprofitable.
I do have to admit, the claims that come out of gawminer have become so big with nothing behind them, it's amazing people cannot see through this. Once I saw things released it was game over for me, done with this bs.