It is still unclear if they simply have no idea what they are doing or this is all orchestrated. The way that limp wristed floppy dummy sits in his petticoat and hat in the videos, flailing his feminine hands and writs, suggests he is winging it all. He thinks in his mind he as money at his disposal, and bah, a hurdle comes, throw money at it.
The most pathetic human being parading around the internet to date. Something is wrong with this muppet. In fact I suspect he would welcome being "caught" and "charged" with the largest scam in crypto to date. It is clear he is enjoying himself flailing around, he has gone so far as to knowledge he is skirting the laws, on this forum weeks back, something to the effect " if we cross the line we expect the feds to appear'.
He is this bastard child from the backwoods of Vermont that drastically has been seeking validation his entire life. He doesn't care of it is negative or positive. If he is the Madoff of crypto he will be satisfied and feel he has accomplished something when that father of his berated him as a child he will never amount to anything.
A lot of losers in business do what he does, it is by virtue of those around them that bail them out and prop them up.
Homero is a hamster on a treadmill. He creates the problems, then spends all his time fixing them, then once fixed, pats himself on the back and sells it to all around him how great he is.
Exactly how he hedged that once he got his shit coin launched, this garbage plugin to appear like shopping with the shitcoin on Amazon, CNN would come calling begging for an interview.
Alas this utter dunce like his followers just do not see it.
This is the most superficial shallow collection of dimwits that have ever appeared on the internet since AOL and even back then, they had better depth than this nut-job and his gang.
It is a farce so utterly ridiculous that anyone can take any of this seriously. It cannot be real. As the internet matures, grannies and grandpas finally learn how to use email and ipads and shop on Amazon, along comes this collection if the most bizarre newbies that believe in all of this shit. It took 1o years to educated the public not to click on attachments in email, it took 10 years to educate the masses to be wary watch out, if it seems too good to be true on the internet...
Here in the space of 6 months an armada of shortbus occupants are unleashed on the internet giggling and flopping around kumba ya'ing, how it will all be alright, go go go, Josh says so.
What the fuck is going on here.
It's quite possible there's a true mastermind behind the whole thing. Someone in the shadows. Someone like that Volder dude. You don't want the light to shine on you when you are pulling the scam of a lifetime, you have to find a fall-guy. I'm not saying this is so, I'm just saying it wouldn't surprise me if there was someone on the top pulling the strings. Homero seems a little wet behind the ears actually.