I didn't think it was magic money, I thought they where actually mining and based my decision mostly that they where US based and if they where scammers either the Government would ass rape them equally or some red neck Super Army Ranger that lost his life savings will say fuck it and blow up there whole dam office.
Honestly I am almost positive what is happening is they are taking my payouts and giving them to primes. I saw primes accounts that have less then 1/2 of my MH/s and making 3x my payouts. That was the first sign some shit was off, the second was they kept banning me for posting my terrible payouts and asking questions that the gaw fan club didn't like. The third sign was me reporting them to the SEC when I saw a post asking all users to do so. It lasted about 5 minutes before a mod saw it and banned him.
I just wish there site wasn't such a steaming pile of dog shit that the market would update and let me sell my shitlets.
BTW anyone that feels super bad about GawScammers raping 3k from me. I will happily take some, get well and be happy donations lol.