Oh boy, so this is it?
An incredible ruse to launch a new coin pre-mined. Nothing more nothing less. All sorts components and things and plans and stuff.
All amounting to nothing more than a new coin launch that is pre-mined.
And they still fucked that up?
Where are the payouts for those that rented Penta Hashes.? The mac crowd was hysterical there wasn't a wallet for them.
Gomero sits there in his floppy hat and waist coat giggling to himself see I did it I launched it.
He is that classical loser hamster on a wheel, that fucks everthing up, seemingly fixes it, everyone exclaims hooray, and he pats himself on the back.
2 steps forward one step back.
The giggles include cryptocurrency is so new, so difficult, we as a billion dollar company we encounter hurdles, means...........what..... no, coders with nickels in their pockets can execute all of this along with like minded people for...........nothing.
As for that Payton alter boy in Colorado.........lo and behold, he's the church videographer and a former alter boy.
http://issuu.com/insidelongmont/docs/ilmagazine_september2014?e=0/9360408So people spent BTC to rent machines to mine garzacoin and no one received anything yet?
1. kickahomerointheteeth, record it and upload to you tube 3 x 1 BTC to the first person to do that
2. pieinthefaceofweirdogarza, record it and upload it to you tube 1 x BTc to the first person to do that
3. fund the real paycoin legal fund to shut this copy cat cunt up once and for all, all his websites, software sales pitches all are wrapped around the name paycoin.
Shut this smug cunt down. I am in for 3 x BTC to ensure the mark paycoin remains with the originator.
That Homero Garza is one sick puppy.