If anyone wants to add anything to the OP, let me know!
We're already listed on hashtalk!
GAW Founder
Paycoin Origin
Funny how half of them won't even post their FUD with their real BCT accounts for fear they'll be the next ones sued.
He can not be serious. That is one of the most ignorant statements I've heard from one of these morons on HT in awhile. Yeah rootdude we all created new BCT accounts to bash GAW because we are frightened for our lives of being sued for speaking the truth and asking questions. And even if we were you think we created them because we knew that our identities were at great risk because obviously our real BCT accounts gave away so much about ourselves? How fucking deluded do you have to be to come up with something like that and actually believe it. Get this though your thick skull rootard, no one here gives a fuck about being sued for a single word we utter about your beloved GAW because we have the common sense and we don't have blind-faith and most of us are just not as greedy as you all are. This does all come down to money and greed. All you ignorant greedy scum are already dancing around HT calculating how rich you're going to be when paycoin hits 20, 40, 80, 100+ and making pretty spreadsheets and graphs like it was actual data. There is nothing to calculate. There is nothing but promises. My bet is that there will not be a single person investing in the public ICO. Every single person in the world that would ever invest in GAW already has. If there are really any big inventors they are already in. No small investor will pay $20 for a paycoin in an ICO because anyone that heard about it and gave a shit and was still dumb enough to believe it, already got in. No one heard about it and said, "Yeah I won't buy in now and earn Hashpoints. I'll wait until I have to pay $20." Of course Josh will tell you otherwise and post some ridiculously absurd numbers but you will all believe it with your ignorant greedy blind-faith and not question it at all while he throws you another koolaid party where you all sit around and tell each other how fucking Gawsome you are and that you are all going to change the world and make it better for everyone and get really rich doing it. I hope you've all had fun playing this imaginary "what will I do when I hit the lotto" game in your minds because reality is going to come crashing down real soon and you're going to learn that you're winning lottery ticket was a counterfeit and not only do you not win the big prize, you also lose everything you paid for the ticket.