And that is relevant how exactly? I though we were discussing proof of mining. I'm not trying to tell anyone how much they need to charge for a product or a service.
Guys, stop comparing mining to dining:) My point was that if GAW sells me 100GH of mining power, they should easily (like everybody else that actually mines) be able to show me some proof that my 100GH is even running 24/7. If that 100GH of mining power is not being used but they are charging me daily for electricity and other maintenance ON AN ACTUAL MINER than wouldn't that be fraud?
Ive waited awhile to post here, but have been reading every post since the OP.
@clanbake your comment was too tempting for me not to reply...
Regarding if GAW sold you 100GH and not using it etc. The answer to your question regarding fraud is simple:
Are you still being paid for 100GH of hashing power?
If so, then there is your answer.
Do you know where your gasoline comes from? I bet you dont "care" as long as you get as many gallons as you paid for, and your car drives when you hit the gas pedal.
Has anyone who has bought into GAWs cloud hashing service not been paid the daily BTC that the pool claims were earned?
If GAW is missing payments or not paying their customers at all, then that changes the landscape entirely, but until then, suggestions of "fraud" are alittle extreme IMHO.
This topic is very heated, and its very clear that there are many members on both sides.
I think it would serve the crypto community as a whole if everyone would remain calm and use logic, facts, maturity and tact.
Hmm, of all the posts, this is the one you had to respond to...
You can compare it to whatever you want, I guess. In the end, if I think Im getting super unleaded but Im only getting unleaded, yea, that's a big red flag. In my case it was more like they cheated at the pump. I paid for 10 dollars worth but only got about 2 dollars worth.
BTW - You should take your own advise, focus on the the logic, facts, and maturity part