Jason, you need to take a chill pill. Whatever your or Team XPY's beef is with this forum or posters here you can only make it worse by doing shit like this.
This will all go away if and when you start doing what a serious coin development team is supposed to be doing, if there is such a thing. It may take a while to take Garza's stench out of it, and only if you don't start acting like Garza.
I'll make ya famous....
How am I doing, Jason? Are you feeling famous yet?
I made this post on April 11:
OK, it's about some fellow named "Dick Tator" on Mineral who was burning up that forum and pissing off all the Paycoiners. If you read from that point forward to the 13th you see the following happen or come to light:
~ Homero announces in an obvious (to me) and over the top staged irc chat involving three people (Adam, Sciborg (Jeff?) and Josh), that mysteriously got released for some odd reason by one of them(FAKE leak), that "Paycoins and Prime Controllers were stolen by Paycoin Foundation (Adam Matlack & Co) the FBI and/or SEC is now "managing the GAW Prime Controllers and XPY". Homero is obviously trying to engage in subterfuge and make everyone think that he and Adam are now arch enemies. I of course did not buy that bullshit one stinking bit, and I warned XPY bagholders that that the "hack" / split up of the GAW Gang was simply a ruse and that a huge dump was incoming.:
Seems a few are doing the prudent thing and dumping off some XPY, but the ones on Hashtalk right now are a special kind of totally bullheaded fucking stupid. All convinced it is the fault of "TeamPaycoin" or whatever and not coming to grips with the fact that the whole enterprise is a big pack of crooks created and led by Josh that have seemingly now turned on each other.
A: Paycoin was designed to fail, while putting YOUR BTC/$ in Josh's pocket. It worked as designed!
B: TeamPaycoin was designed to deflect blame for A to someone other than Josh/GAW. In that it is working amazingly well. To me the jury is still out on whether this latest dispute about ownership of PCs is part of the ruse.
C: Josh is an idiot child-man who likes to PLAY CEO with his child-man group of internet pals that he steals from. When it comes to the "Big Boy" running a company stuff he is a total and absolute fucking failure. The only skill he has is conning people.
D: I seriously doubt there is an actual competent coder in this whole group of assholes.
This list could go on and on.
Nailed those points, and now it is apparent that the deception list really did go on and on. Much deeper than I suspected with the obvious attempt at confusing people by splitting up the GAW Gang after the heist and pointing fingers at each other to create doubt about who the crooks were.
~ "Honest" Adam Matlack- Josh's BFF, Jason Sponaugle , Dr. Twat, and the Hillbilly put on a show.
~ I followed the "hacked" Paycoins from the first "hack" (~March 3) of Team Paycoin back to known wallets controlled by Garza/GAW since day 1, and shitloads more to exchanges.
~ The Paycoin Foundation "hack" happened.
~ The Garza's have a GTFO of town sale. "GoneToTexas" was chalked on the door.
~ The BadBitcoin lead attack on Mike Johnson was in full swing.
also this dumbo doesnt realize that Mr. Ganza already tried legal means...for some reason he failed and didnt even include CoinFire in the "hitlist of reporters"
badbitcoin, what a joke
ps: CoinFire is not there to protect your stupid investment. protect it your self... oops you cant because Mr. Gonzo has death grip on you
There. I fixed BadBitcorns post for him so it is a bit closer to reality.
~ Paycoiners were giving Josh tips on how to better commit fraud so he and the Gang can rip them off more.
~ Hardcore Paycoiner chump ColdCoiner launched a true masterpiece app for Paycoin. Josh tried to hype it, but even the Paycoiners would not buy that bullshit.
~ The anal dildo pics were making the rounds- warning NSFW!
That is a truly disgusting pic of Mrs. Garza posing with a huge dildo. Should mark that NSFW!
~ And of course what now appears to be the biggest thing that happened in that short time frame. D. Allen Shinners announced the GAWsuit here on BCT with his one and only post on this forum on April 12. If you want to believe it is a coincidence that this was announced the day after the announcement of the fake split up of the GAW Gang, go right ahead.
Cool. Did you ask what he plans on doing with those Prime Controller's other than using them to print free XPY to dump onto pathetically ignorant bagholder victims of this scam, exactly the same as Josh was doing? Do they bake bread or churn butter or something in addition to the task they are designed for?
I heard people were filing a class action suit against gaw. Does anyone have any further information about that?
Sorry, someone directed me here, although I am registered on this forum, it is rare I come here.
Information on any possible lawsuit can be found here: https://forum.gethashing.com/t/probing-a-lawsuit-against-gawminers-et-al/2626?u=allen1980s
At this stage it is getting interest from those who were customers of GAW/Zencloud/Paybase. There is an upcoming conference call with one of the law firms being chosen.
How is that "lawsuit" going, Allen? So far you have gotten 475+ GAW fraud victims to sign away their rights to sue, Gone into business with the star witness and several others involved in the Paycoin scam, thus likely invalidating testimony from star witness Honest Joe Mordica, set up the suit in Texas, the deadbeat state where no one will ever collect a nickel, and nothing else 6 months later. Nothing fishy there at all.
There are way more events in that 3 day period, but I have some things to do right now, so I am going to cut this post off here. Have a read of those days and see what I mean. Epic.