bitpop what do you even do to sustain yourself?
You seem to never go 5 minutes without posting here?
Same thing I'm wondering about suchmoon and smoothie?
Do none of you actually work at all?
PS: I know Crestington is a fucking loser I'm gonna take the ferry to Surrey sometime and slap him with a wet fish...
PPS: I'm fully willing to be called a Scammer as much as you all like but the fact is I owe under $1500 worth of Debts and I make that on average every month so....
PPPS: This thread is 2122 pages long and nothing has happened to Garza at all. This thread basically does nothing just like all of suchmoon's threads. You can talk about it all you want but no action is ever taken. *Cough* TradeFortress *Cough* ZhouThong *Cough* MagicalTux *Cough* pirateat40 *Cough* moolah *Cough* everyone totally got their money back from them
PPPPS: What does the SEC / UK Action Fraud even do? The customers never get their money back it just goes back into the corrupt Government so worth it
Admit it, you're just jealous of Garza's achievements. Wanted to be a big shot scammer, but only got $1500.