This is great.
I thought, with ganza gone, this thing would wither and die.
It just keeps kicking up new interesting lunatics, illiterates and scammers. Amazing stuff.
So, there's the ganza brothers, carmello, valhadawallaballa, carson 540 clock, now this lunatic with a scat fetish.
I hope this thread never dies, I really do :-)
Ah finally an objective wise person that has realized what they have "invested" in. You are no longer invested in Crypto Currency, but consider your "investment" as prepaid entertainment expenses, like prepaying your cable bill for a year or a 100 or a 1000 years in advance and in return you get to watch the current series of shows being offered
As The Paycorn Turns or
Reality TV
Keeping up with the Ganza's or
Mystery Episodes
The GAWKSTER Filesor
late night infomercials
HASHTHINGIES Always make Money or
Tourism shows
Touring Non Extradition Countries on a budgetor
Religious themed shows Like
and there will be many new series in the future, for instance right now there is one in production that based on court room drama, coming in the new season.
So sit back and enjoy your "investment".