I wonder, isn't Josh the sole owner of hashtalk? and he's been gone for a week now, who is driving the bus? Who's paying the bills? Maybe hashtalk will go Gox style?
I think it's hosted by the NodeBB folks and they might have worked out some kind of an ad-based deal. Just my speculation though. I doubt Garza would be paying any bills for that site out of his pocket, especially seeing how he dumped Bitcoinist.
I noticed that some of the other people had "Keep it all" listed as well. I am wondering if they have or will receive anything? Is everything that was pledged still in a single account held by the Scamdog Homero, who will just turn off the lights and leave with all of it?
I'm surprised the site is even up still. Nobody's pledging anyway. Garza would likely try to homer the money but hopefully the payment processor made him put up a security deposit or has a withdrawal hold or something like that. In any case chargebacks should be possible.