If I'm reading this right, key 100:4 is staking multiple wallets: (compounding, e.g. block 153506)
and others
(non-compounding, e.g. block 153844)
Is this one of the leaked keys? I thought it's not but now I'm not sure.
It looks like it was one of the leaked keys. 10 keys at the 100% rate were leaked. And there is only 10 100% keys
Either someone at gaw, the foundation or the xpy dev team isnt playing by the "rules". Or someone with a lot of paycoin is using one of the leaked keys
It could be whoever hacked the paycoin web wallet as I don't believe all of those coins were recovered. And I don't see anyone buying 125k paycoin to stake at 100%
The keys could have been leaked just so those wallets can compound their stake and they could brush it off as stolen keys
And yet you still list the coin and run a prime controller. Obvious bullshit is obvious. Do Cryptsy a favor and delist this piece if shit garbage.
EDIT: You just acknowledged publicly that the coin is a scam/fraud and that Crypsty is participating in it. Seems that you have reached your Waterloo moment.