Obvious joshypoo shill, if not joshypoo himself.
What gave it away?
The fact that the following posts were made within 3 hours of each other and happen to be the ONLY posts made by the 4-day-old user?
The new team owns zenCloud, what are they going to do about our hashlets?
Time to stop looking to joshypoo for answers to our hashlets. They now own ZWENCLIUD, they need to step up and provide something of value to all of us.
i'M SICK AND tired of the other two teams looking to Joshy to do something. tHEY NOW own 2/3 of ZEN and XPY they are the majority owners. What are they going to do to increase value for all of us?
WE heard otherwise. That joshy was locked out and you were making ALL the decisions on ZEN hash-lets primes and stake primes? Also you make the rules on the market and conversions.
why u iz misrepresenting facts?
You are solely deciding to convert primes to wallets. that means you own them.
What are you going to do about our hashlets? you can make them mine again. forget about josh, you already took control. You own 2/3 of everything time to do something now. You wanted control you got it, now you have to answer to us.
You can't just look to JOSHY to fix it, you took control, step up and do something positive.
Or did you just want to dump XPY?
You gave Joshypoo a hairuct and cut his stakerate. You didn't take a haircut, you gave yourself a stake promotion. Nice to sacrifice someone else and claim you did good by all of us. Fine, now what are you going to do with your newfound power?
Read what joshy poo has said. Also in the cam interview that hombre that was not josh was telling us what HE was going to do with teh market conversion and primes. He is the new owner.
dID YOU GET the memo? But i will say this, i understand that it is confusing. What i am trying to say here is that joshy does not own this and the other groups need to step up. No more free passes for them. they took control, now they need to step up.
They can't use the WE got JOSHED paycoined excuse forever. They took control, now they need to do something useful.
Is IT iLLEGAL to open a tax return?
open a password protected return?
read someones credit report?
publish their SS number?
Post pages from the tax return?
Hack private email and hack a password protected tax return?
You aren't suppose to tamper with tax returns and what about mail fraud, or identity theft?
Regardless of what you think of joshypoo are any of these things illegal? because a bunch of people have admitted to doing all of the above and more?
I think it's too late for misdirection.