Straight up bold face lie.
That is this thread:
the filthy lying little fucker posted it himself.
Subject: Re: Attorney Client Privileged: Draft Email to Theymos
Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 15:46:54 -0500
From: Josh Garza <
[email protected]>
To: Ashley Martabano <
[email protected]>
CC: David McLain <
[email protected]>, Brian Klein
[email protected]>
yesJosh Garza
On Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 3:23 PM, Ashley Martabano <
[email protected]> wrote:
ok great,
and the private site comment about where you’d posted those pics is accurate?
Sent from Windows Mail
From: Josh Garza
Sent: Friday, November 21, 2014 12:18 PM
To: Ashley Martabano
Cc: David McLain, Brian Klein
looks good
Josh Garza
On Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 3:14 PM, Ashley Martabano <
[email protected]> wrote:
Josh and Dave,
Here is a draft email to theymos about the photo posts. This is obviously a toned-down, amicable draft given our previous communications with him. I am happy to amp it up if you’d like but I think he is most likely to respond favorably with the friendlier approach. Let me know if this is good to go (and please let me know if the highlighted point is accurate). I’ll circulate the Reddit one next.
You mentioned in your last email that if posts violate other forum rules, you will remove them. Although we have looked for such rules, we have not located them. Despite that, there is a new thread which clearly invades the privacy of GAW CEO Josh Garza and which we believe should be removed immediately. People have posted photos of Mr. Garza and his children
that were available on a private site.
[Josh, please confirm that is accurate]. See the thread at Mr. Garza’s son’s photograph is posted on the site. This is inappropriate and unnecessary. The thread itself is also riddled with other false and defamatory posts,[1] but at this point, we are more concerned with removal of personal and private (and clearly irrelevant) information about Mr. Garza or any other employees of GAW. They are not public figures and their privacy should be respected. We request that you remove this thread, or at the very least, block the images of Mr. Garza and his family in the thread. We will continue to monitor the thread to ensure no additional photos are posted and will inform you should any others appear. Please provide us a copy of your forum rules as well so we may evaluate other posts for violations.
Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.
Thank you,