Oooh the chat's are just as fun as the emails...except that u can only see like half the conversation... lame
Carlos to Josh:
Lol I knew you were going to say that, I saw Juliette's car so I figured you were busy. I wuv woo
Juliette to Josh:
Batteries don't last long when you're having fun
Juliette asks Josh:
Out of curiosity....who is, or how are you tracking the accounting portion of this coin and sales?...
Josh's Reply:bla bla to Juliette:
baby to Josh:
Our profit margin is re-donk-ulous for a new business...37%! And to think that this does not even include our BTC... to Josh:
I sent it to you when I finished last night. Just not on this thread.
(they were using other email addresses for spicier talks)
Josh asks Juliette if she wants to dance on a pole in his office... to Juliette:
It was cute to see get all upset though
Juliette to Josh:
Oh powerful and wonderous super being...good morning!
Jessica to Josh:
You are the one that can't be trusted. How many times have you hung out with Juliette after work.
Josh to Jessica:
In fact. With all Juliette has been through. I could tell her to come over here right now and she would
Jessica to Josh:
Did you tell Juliette you chose me? It's a good chance she is trying to start a problem if so.
Look at Juliette.... She flipped out when you took attention away from her.......ugh juliette is a freaky lunatic
Juliette shoudl be gone by the time I get there.
Juliette to Josh:
Fuck you. For security reasons today is my last day...seriously?! Fuck you Josh Garza.
I'm crying...
Juliette then telling Josh she's pregnant with his scam baby?Find it odd that I cancelled my augmentation consultation? Or that I did not move this weekend (didn't want to lift anything heavy)? Or why I have been crazy emotional? Or perhaps that my girls have been looking a little more enlarged? That I have been saying good night earlier, as I am crazy exhausted?....You are smart, I am sure you can put it together from here. is like a lifetime movie right before my eyes. Josh will get mad because these were all "taken out of context" lololololol