It was the Bitcointalk forum that inspired us to create - Bitcointalk is an excellent site that should be the default page for anybody dealing in cryptocurrency, since it is a virtual gold-mine of data. However, our experience and user feedback led us create our site; Bitcointalk's search is slow, and difficult to get the results you need, because you need to log in first to find anything useful - furthermore, there are rate limiters for their search functionality.
The aim of our project is to create a faster website that yields more results and faster without having to create an account and eliminate the need to log in - your personal data, therefore, will never be in jeopardy since we are not asking for any of your data and you don't need to provide them to use our site with all of its capabilities.
We created this website with the sole purpose of users being able to search quickly and efficiently in the field of cryptocurrency so they will have access to the latest and most accurate information and thereby assisting the crypto-community at large.
The least you could do is to get on the phone and be frank with me. What
happened to looking after me? I got no accountability for the money and
time I put it. I told you many times before I am a very flexible person and
we can talk to resolve this. You keep avoiding the issues.
So you don't want to talk about the details? Fine. I'll take a hit and walk
away. Let's talk about this.
I really don't want to go to your office/home/church to confront you and
also take the legal route. But I will if I have to. Since i'm losing
hundreds of thousand, I'll spend more as a matter of principle.
So do we still have direct dialogue?
On Sun, Feb 1, 2015 at 1:14 PM, Josh Garzawrote:
> I think it may be easier at this point to put your legal person in touch
> with ours.
> On Saturday, January 31, 2015, Alex Huynhwrote:
>> Josh,
>> Since you are transparent enough to allow an audit
>> =E2=80=8B,=E2=80=8B
>> it goes without saying that you have no issues with preliminarily
>> providing me with unaudited financials and minutes of board meeting
>> immediately. You said much more money was invested, so I just want to kn=
>> the particulars of that. That would be clear in the incoming cashflow of
>> the business and in the board members minutes.
>> *I respectfully request that you provide me with the above information.
>> When will I receive that?*
>> Furthermore, you say that mining has not worked for months now but we ar=
>> a service provider to customers first and foremost. We have a huge
>> community and customer database
>> =E2=80=8B,=E2=80=8B
>> =E2=80=8Bwhich
>> was built and originated from gaw
>> =E2=80=8B,=E2=80=8B
>> that is very valuable (hundred
>> =E2=80=8B =E2=80=8B
>> thousands of customer
>> =E2=80=8Bs=E2=80=8B
>> by your admission). This asset can be used to pivot the business into
>> other crypto currency services. It seems you utilized the asset but it
>> seems to be on a completely unrelated company, ie paybase.
>> =E2=80=8BAnother issue that needs to be clarified is the relationship an=
d related
>> transactions between Gaw/Zen and your other companies Business Technolog=
>> for Cryptocurrency. and Paybase. I hope Gaw/Zen is not a wholly owned
>> subsidiary of BTC. Becasue if this transaction happened I certainly was =
>> made aware of it.
>> The program is launching tomorrow, so we should be able to get back in
>> touch in a few days. *When is a good time?* we need to talk earlier in
>> the week. I am not waiting to the end of the week. I have been very pati=
>> towards you already but you keep brushing me off. By the way, I have
>> highlighted my questions as time and time again you have not address any=
>> my questions in your reply.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 1 Feb 2015, at 5:36 am, Josh Garzawrote:
>> Alex,
>> As you have said, can get back in touch after the program.
>> But, you are welcome to start whatever process you want. If you want to
>> pay to have our books audited, be my guest. GAW miners was a mining
>> company, plane and simple. And mining has not worked for many months now=
>> The audit you will pay for is going to show that.
>> On Saturday, January 31, 2015, Alex Huynhwrote=
>>> Josh,
>>> I remember that conversation and understand what you are saying. My
>>> point is that as a oppressed shareholder, our professional relationship
>>> should end here and we should part on good terms. Naturally if this
>>> happens, then the issue of Paybase is a non-issue since right now as it=
>>> in its infancy. What I have the right to know is if and how Paybase
>>> benefited from the operation of gaw/zen, such as access to its customer
>>> through email campaigns, etc... Given all the related information, my
>>> accountants and lawyers can examine the self-dealing between the compan=
>>> you are CEO of and determine if there is any conflicts of interest.
>>> Providing the financial accounts of gaw/zencloud and the minutes of
>>> director meetings should go a long way towards clearing any confusion. =
>>> financials is expected to be audited and cover all the related
>>> cryptocurrency addresses involved with the business. Where are the
>>> documents that documents your $1m purchase of And I also know
>>> the $8m purchase of zen was a marketing ploy as we both know zen always
>>> belonged to gaw before you started to build it. We were talking about z=
>>> so many times when discussing strategy. You have not answered or chosen=
>>> ignore all my previous questions, thus keeping me in the dark.
>>> A few events in the last 24 hours is also very concerning; the disablin=
>>> of cloud mining based and this: (which says
>>> zencloud will be right back). You have not attempted to communicate to =
>>> your future plans for gaw/zencloud. As of right now zencloud is intertw=
>>> with paycoin/paybase through the conversion of hashlets to hashstakers =
>>> the selling of hashtaskers. In any event, if this platform is moved to
>>> another entity anytime in the future without proper dealing, then it wo=
>>> be improper dealing. I can only guess what is happening from following =
>>> the threads in hashtalk and bitcointalk.
>>> Also in terms of gaw/zen's financials, you claims have varied according
>>> to context. To me, you claim the whole business is not profitable, yet =
>>> others you claim of $100m turnover in 6 months. Before you cut me off f=
>>> the information, you were already doing a $20m annual run rate. And upo=
>>> examination of top hashlet list, the answer seems to be different again=
>>> Without concrete evidence all I can make is assumptions. Even then, 10%
>>> gross margin on tens of million of turnover is plenty to cover your
>>> development, marketing expenses and other overheads.
>>> Back to the issue of shareholder oppression. Being a majority
>>> shareholder gives you the ability to cause the corporation to do things
>>> that harm minority shareholders. When these acts prevent the minority
>>> shareholder=E2=80=99s participation in the business, they are commonly =
referred to
>>> as a =E2=80=9Cfreeze out=E2=80=9D or a =E2=80=9Csqueeze out.=E2=80=9D
>>> I believe this happened to me.
>>> 1. We started as 50/50 partners. Over time that changed without my
>>> consultation and providing me board meeting minutes that document capit=
>>> raising decisions. In fact, from the start I should have been allowed t=
>>> participate.
>>> 2. Since then you have denied me access to information, not giving me a
>>> right to participate in board meetings. I do not even know who is on th=
>>> board of directors.
>>> 3. Firing/relieving me from a job with the company (which by the way I
>>> did not receive any renumeration for).
>>> 4. Yet to be ascertained conflict of interest transactions. I do not
>>> have transparency of the self-dealings between the companies you are ce=
o of.
>>> Shareholder oppression doctrine can be upheld in all American courts of
>>> law. I consulted American lawyers and done my preparation for the worse
>>> case scenario. I can only assume the worse.
>>> Josh, I believed in the you and the type of person you were from the
>>> start, yet your treatment of me has left sour grapes. Any outsider can =
>>> the reality of it, so I am not over-reacting. Time and time again, from=
>>> delay of shareholding documents (under the excuses of waiting for the
>>> shareholders operating agreement) to ignoring all my questions you have=
>>> treated me fairly as a partner/shareholder.
>>> I hope to resolve this fairly and amicably with you and work out
>>> something that suits us both before it escalates.
>>> Let me know the progress of the auditing of the documents I have
>>> provided and the decision of the board members of my intentions (most
>>> preferably in the form of a director's meeting minutes). What can I exp=
>>> it?
>>> I know you are busy with the honors program launching feb 1. But I
>>> assume you have time after this date to get on a conference call with m=
>>> So let's arrange a phone meeting.
>>> Alex
>>> On Sat, Jan 31, 2015 at 2:30 AM, Josh Garzawrote:
>>>> Hi Alex,
>>>> The conversation we had over the phone was about Paycoin. Where I told
>>>> you I spoke look in to the possibility of using Paycoin instead of sto=
>>>> Paybase is an entirely different company, with different shareholders =
>>>> funding. As I said, the only discussion we can have is around GAW mine=
>>>> and zen cloud, as originally discussed.
>>>> I have a suggestion out to the partners and are waiting to hear backs
>>>> please be advised, no one has been bought out of the company.
>>>> On Friday, January 30, 2015, Alex Huynhwrote=
>>>>> Josh,
>>>>> I have been transparent with you. Will you provide the same
>>>>> transparency towards me?
>>>>> Please respond to this and previous questions.
>>>>> Again, when can you arrange that conference call with me?
>>>>> On Fri, Jan 30, 2015 at 2:05 AM, Alex Huynh
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Josh,
>>>>>> Regardless of the business being built by others and myself not bein=
>>>>>> involved after six months, I put my money and risked it based on our
>>>>>> originally agreement 50/50 as per our skype chat messages and the in=
>>>>>> conference call I had with you. IT was shareholding at the start. Yo=
u run
>>>>>> the business as CEO and report to shareholders (you, myself, stuart,=
>>>>>> whoever built it were not shareholders, so I don't understand your a=
>>>>>> So you say additional money was injected. I understand that. I just
>>>>>> want to see the dates, amounts, and how the business was valued at t=
ime of
>>>>>> injection. Just show me what you did so I can verify it. I will acce=
pt the
>>>>>> evidence.
>>>>>> Paybase was launched independent of Gaw miners you say. That's not
>>>>>> what you told me in the late November conference call. How did that =
>>>>>> with Gaw customer base? And transactions happening within Zencloud
>>>>>> concerning hashpoints in exchange for forgoing mined bitcoins? I hav=
e an
>>>>>> ear for you to explain it to me.
>>>>>> At this point I want to exit completely. You are pushing me around a=
>>>>>> a minority shareholder. Can we please talk it out over the phone? I =
>>>>>> sometime in the afternoon your time.
>>>>>> I hope to have this conversation in the next couple of days. So when
>>>>>> is a good time?
>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 30, 2015 at 1:44 AM, Josh Garzawrote:
>>>>>>> Alex,
>>>>>>> Providing you interest in two companies, that were primarily built
>>>>>>> by others, is taking care of you by any standard.
>>>>>>> The six month period you were involved, the company lost money, it
>>>>>>> was survived by investment by others. I am happy to have a conversa=
>>>>>>> with you about GAW miners and Zencloud.
>>>>>>> But, PayBase was launched with resources independent of GAW miners.
>>>>>>> Paybase is also looking to raise money as well.
>>>>>>> Chat soon
>>>>>>> On Thursday, January 29, 2015, Alex Huynh
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Josh,
>>>>>>>> You speak to your lawyer. I want to have a conference call with yo=
>>>>>>>> and talk it out. This is not what you said in previous emails and =
what you
>>>>>>>> told me on a conference call with you late November.
>>>>>>>> On the phone you specifically said to me you were going to prepare
>>>>>>>> liquidity for me in hashcoins (paycoins) and share in the new inve=
>>>>>>>> vehicle (which we were waiting for David to finalise in December, =
>>>>>>>> never eventuated to anything). It is nearly February now. I put mo=
ney in
>>>>>>>> last March and worked with your for 6 months.
>>>>>>>> Or was what you said on the phone a lie? You represent yourself as
>>>>>>>> a man of your words.
>>>>>>>> To remind you, a previous email thread you replied with:
>>>>>>>> "Hey Alex,
>>>>>>>> The issue is there is not much to tell. The corporate structure is
>>>>>>>> still not done. Additionally, we are going to be closing GAW, the =
>>>>>>>> business is over. If you know of anyone that would be interested i=
n buying
>>>>>>>> it, let me know.
>>>>>>>> The majority of my efforts have been spent on build out two new
>>>>>>>> companies (payment processing, and trading)"
>>>>>>>> and later in that email:
>>>>>>>> "Alex, I never said or implied that I intended to screw you. So
>>>>>>>> please calm down.
>>>>>>>> I simply was telling you what I have been working on, so you can
>>>>>>>> know why I am busy. I fully intend to make sure your taken care of=
. But, I
>>>>>>>> do not respond well to threats, and I promise it will work out unf=
>>>>>>>> if we go that way.
>>>>>>>> So let's head in the right direction so it works out well for
>>>>>>>> everyone "
>>>>>>>> We both know that paycoin/paybase will not exist today without the
>>>>>>>> customer base acquisition by Gaw Miners and Zencloud. Also, what a=
re the
>>>>>>>> arms length transactions between Gaw MIners , Zencloud and paybase=
>>>>>>>> I wonder how you accounted for all the mined BTC by customers(whic=
>>>>>>>> was kept). Instead of paying out customers for months, you gave th=
>>>>>>>> hashpoints instead, after which was exchanged for paycoins.
>>>>>>>> To say I am limited to Gaw/Zen you are saying Gaw/Zen didn't inves=
>>>>>>>> in the ICO of paypal as part of the $100m CAF. You are also saying=
you spun
>>>>>>>> paybase and paycoins out of Gaw/Zen and developed it with your own
>>>>>>>> resources while using the customer base.
>>>>>>>> There is really a lot to clear up here and I would like to speak t=
>>>>>>>> you and come to resolution that will suit us both. Again you have =
>>>>>>>> all this time you will look after me and I emphasise what you said=
to me
>>>>>>>> during our last phone conversation.
>>>>>>>> When is a suitable time? Or do I have to arrange a meeting through
>>>>>>>> your secretary?
>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 30, 2015 at 1:02 AM, Josh Garzawrote:
>>>>>>>>> Alex,
>>>>>>>>> I will ring dave up about this today.
>>>>>>>>> Please be advised, any conversation we have is limited to GAW
>>>>>>>>> miners and zencloud
>>>>>>>>> On Wednesday, January 28, 2015, Alex Huynhm>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Josh,
>>>>>>>>>> Having not heard from you for three days, I was beginning to
>>>>>>>>>> think you were not accountable for my investment and running awa=
y with it.
>>>>>>>>>> It goes without saying that you need to verify the documents.
>>>>>>>>>> Please give me an indication of how long this process would take=
. I believe
>>>>>>>>>> a week will be plenty of time provided you give it the utmost pr=
>>>>>>>>>> I also imagine that you will provide me dates and amounts of you=
>>>>>>>>>> investments in the business.
>>>>>>>>>> As a shareholder I have the right to be provided with upto date
>>>>>>>>>> financial accounts of Gaw Miners outlining when and how my origi=
nal 50%
>>>>>>>>>> share was diluted and also related party transactions with zen m=
>>>>>>>>>> paybase, etc.
>>>>>>>>>> When will you forward these details to me?
>>>>>>>>>> Alex
>>>>>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>>>>>> On 29 Jan 2015, at 10:08 am, Josh Garzawrote:
>>>>>>>>>> We are going through these. As you can imagine, they need to be
>>>>>>>>>> verified
>>>>>>>>>> Sent from my mobile phone
>>>>>>>>>> On Jan 28, 2015 8:20 AM, "Alex Huynh"
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Josh,
>>>>>>>>>>> I am still waiting for a reply.
>>>>>>>>>>> Alex
>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 12:05 AM, Alex Huynh <
>>>>>>>>>>> [email protected]> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Josh,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Can you reply please? I just want confirmation you have
>>>>>>>>>>>> received all the documents and you have or will be reviewing i=
>>>>>>>>>>>> Alex
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 2:37 AM, Alex Huynh <
>>>>>>>>>>>> [email protected]> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Josh,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Here is the supporting documents: receipts of payments to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> miner suppliers, receipts of purchases, paypal sales, staff w=
ork logbook.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alex
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 2:34 AM, Alex Huynh <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [email protected]> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Josh,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It has taken a while to get my hands on all the invoices and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> double check all the transactions. However, I believe I fina=
lly have all
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the transactions accounted for such as all the miner stock I=
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> payments to miner suppliers, goods and services purchases ma=
de, payments
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> received from GAW.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The attached workbook outlines it all clearly and I will
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> email you supporting documents in the next email. Please rev=
iew it quickly,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I would like to have this resolved. The total amount is a lo=
t less than the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $200,000 we originally spoke about. It is about $165,000.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please reply with confirmation that you received this email
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and the next with attached documents.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alex
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jan 7, 2015 at 4:05 AM, Alex Huynh <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [email protected]> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Josh,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I did get your previous email. We are auditing on our side
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to make sure we have everything. I will forward it to you w=
hen it's ready.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alex
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Jan 6, 2015 at 5:07 AM, Josh Garza
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hey alex,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Not sure if you saw in my previous emails. But we are
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> waiting on a list of the investments you made. Dollar amou=
nt and dates.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please let us know when we can have this. We want to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> resolve as soon as you do.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sent from my mobile phone
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Jan 5, 2015 11:54 AM, "Alex Huynh" <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [email protected]> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Josh, thank you for finally getting back to me. :) I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> was anticipating on flying to meet you at your office/hom=
e to get a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> resolution on the matter.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I know you have been under the pump lately but taking 7
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> days to respond to me after I email everyday does not con=
vey your
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> intentions to resolve this. I will get the accounting amo=
unts that you need
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> asap and after that I wish to have it resolved within a w=
eek or two max.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Understand from my perspective that this has taken far to=
o long,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reiterating what I told you months ago.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Also, is David back at work? I presume he is and helping
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you, since you are having such a pr nightmare of late. Ca=
n you ask him to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reply my emails promptly regarding documentation.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If the new investment vehicle documentation is not ready =
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> think it would be best if we can resolve this amicably an=
d in a way that I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can exit the business completely. It is hard to be a part=
nership of the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> business due to the lack of communication and feedback to=
me in recent
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> months.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alex
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 6:20 AM, Josh Garza
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hey Alex, as I am sure you can imagine,mine last few
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> weeks have been hell on earth.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I want to resolve this. We are still waiting on an
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> accounting of what you guys invested, I want to make sur=
e we get it all.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Josh
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sunday, January 4, 2015, Alex Huynh <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [email protected]> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =E2=80=8BHi Josh,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have been patient and polite. At least have the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> courtesy to send me a one line reply.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> When did Gaw Miners get acquired? And the details of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that I would like to know considering I am a shareholde=
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Some facts before we begin*
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PayBase is a cryptocurrency payment processing business
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> owned by Business Technology for Cryptocurrency, LLC (B=
TC). BTC is also the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> parent company of GAW Miners (GM), a Bitcoin and Liteco=
in mining business.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alex=E2=80=8B
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Jan 4, 2015 at 4:20 AM, Alex Huynh <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [email protected]> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Josh,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I know you have been really busy today defending
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> paycoin but please acknowledge and let me know when we=
can touch base.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alex
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 2, 2015 at 11:27 PM, Alex Huynh <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [email protected]> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Josh,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I hope you had a great festive season with your famil=
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> even though you have been very busy with the paybase =
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Congratulations on the progress of paycoin and launch=
of paybase. I have
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> been following it very closely. Can you tell me if Da=
vid is working now or
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> when will he be back to work? He is not responding to=
my email. Also, when
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will you be available for a conference call? Can I sp=
eak to Amber about
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> booking in a time? I need to continue the conversatio=
n we had last time. I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> know you are a very busy man but please get back to m=
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alex
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Dec 31, 2014 at 12:51 AM, Alex Huynh <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [email protected]> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =E2=80=8BHi guys,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can I get a response please?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alex=E2=80=8B
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Dec 30, 2014 at 3:03 AM, Alex Huynh <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [email protected]> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi David/Josh,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I hope you both had a wonderful festive holiday.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Neither of you provided further details requested b=
y me. Can you please
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> update me asap?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> David, in your last email you said you will have
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> everything finalised this month and it is already n=
ear the end of the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> month. Please let me know where we stand.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alex
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Dec 12, 2014 at 4:50 AM, Alex Huynh <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [email protected]> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> David,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Do you have a more concrete date? How about more
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> details about the investment vehicle itself and th=
e asset that falls into
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alex
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 11 Dec 2014, at 11:14 am, David McLain <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [email protected]> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alex - our restructuring process has taken longer
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> than expected. This month we will have everything=
finalized including
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> forming an investment vehicle to distribute your i=
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> David H. McLain, Esq.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> General Counsel
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Geniuses at Work Corporation / GAW Miners, LLC
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Direct dial: 267-257-8945
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Dec 10, 2014 at 2:26 PM, Alex Huynh <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [email protected]> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi guys,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I didn't hear back from you. Please respond, it's
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> been more than a few days.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alex
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 5 Dec 2014, at 3:14 am, Alex Huynh <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [email protected]> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi David,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can you please elaborate on the investment vehicl=
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and timeframe?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As an existing stakeholder I have never received
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the proper paperwork for over 9 months. Months ag=
o Josh was saying the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> members agreement on Gaw Miners LLC was not compl=
ete, now he is talking all
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> new investment vehicle which I have no details ab=
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Josh, I need to have this completed asap. I know
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it is not in your priority, but It has taken too =
long to formalize my stake
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> while the business is operating. I am sure other =
shareholders are not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> waiting that long to have their stake accounted f=
or. Please update me with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> details at least so I know it is progressing. I d=
o not have anymore
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> information after we last spoke.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alex
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 3 Dec 2014, at 3:02 pm, Josh Garza <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [email protected]> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alex, we are building an investment vehicle to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mange the investments of new an existing investor=
s. Dave, do you think we
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can have this done by eoy?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tuesday, December 2, 2014, Alex Huynh <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [email protected]> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi josh,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sorry I seemed to miss your reply. Hope you had =
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> great thanksgiving with your family. When will y=
ou hear back from your
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> resources? Can you please clarify what is holdin=
g up the proposal?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You said you needed 4-6 weeks a fortnight ago to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> work something out for me. Please stick to this =
timeframe as things have
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dragged out too long.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alex
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 28 Nov 2014, at 12:48 am, Josh Garza <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [email protected]> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alex, I am waiting to hear back from other
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> resources. Plus, it's thanksgiving bud.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thursday, November 27, 2014, Alex Huynh <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [email protected]> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Josh,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Get back to me please
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alex
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 27 Nov 2014, at 2:17 am, Alex Huynh <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [email protected]> wrote: