Jason is also known as Master Yoshi, PaycoinGateway etc. He is not "some bit related to GAW".
I'm just trying to get this clear. GAW doesn't have control over paycoin.com, the Foundation does.
Ah right, sorry I get lost with all these random as brand names. I removed that part of my post.
What does it even mean to "own a Prime Controller"? I thought those were only hard-coded public keys in the Paycoin source code, and whoever has the corresponding private key controls them. This means you cannot transfer control from A to B, except if both parties trust that A has deleted all his copies of the private key after sending it to B.
You can copy keys, but you can't ever take them away from someone. Exactly the same as physical ones, in this case you can clone a new key for the door but you can't ever change the lock in the door. Two or more people now have control of it, as nobody ever bothered to write the "voting" code or whatever it was supposed to do in the first place. If they "transfer" control you're just relying on the person who owned it previously not to use it anymore.
Just a note on their Github.....
No commit they are doing actually does anything, it's all some spelling error fixes and Document fixes and the ironic part about it is that the solution to their change is what they took from PayCon, something I put in months ago, they did however miss something quite important in their changes.
manditory is also spelt as mandatory, they also changed a spelling of sucessfull to successfull
Could you remove the giant quote from your post? There's some incorrect stuff in there I edited out, I didn't realise paycoin.com wasn't owned by gaw (why the hell).
There's a few changes that actually do things, one of the more recent ones sets a hard fork date for when the Prime Controller stake rate gets cut down. Most of them are just fluff though to make it look like stuff is happening.
https://github.com/PaycoinFoundation/paycoin/commit/2abed74ac266b41675259c86d9ebc13448d62dbf+// Reset all primenode stakerates to 100% after the given date
+static const unsigned int RESET_PRIMERATES = 1428321600; // Mon, 06 Apr 2015 12:00:00 GMT
http://paycoinfoundation.org/docs/PCAgreement_signed.pdf << you can see all the owners here that have signed (except Mr. Gonzo)
1 vote = 1 PC
so it adds up
Nathan Bass is one of the main devs hes the Inc3n3rator (something like that) on github along with Paycoindev which i think is matthew
we dont know about outside investors. i dont think theres any that are not producing services.. like Mineral exchange has its own PC but we cant classify the owner as real outside investor
its a fresh breeze that they try to be transparent. anything Mr. Gorgonzola does is veiled in a thick smog that always backfires
Wasn't Rashibh supposed to own some too? I could have sworn at one point it was claimed that all of them were bought by various people.
Which post in particular? I'll be fine to remove the quote if you think it's incorrect.