Wmabern, by your conversation I think that you must be one of the lucky few to whom the kano gave a bitcoin miner for free
That was truly one of the funniest thing I've read here on the forum in along time! LOL
Thanks for the laugh, Seriously!
If even the THOUGHT of giving me an Avalon entered Kano's head - which I'm pretty positive it NEVER did - then I would be that much farther along in my process of obtaining one in the not too distant future. But that is the thing fantasies are made from.
(I've pulled my three old S7's out of hibernation to heat a couple rooms in the front of the house. Those join my four S8's - even though the S9's are in a room by themselves only heating the outdoor air.)
All I did was stand up for Kano's rights as a developer to not have his work copied then claimed as being the their own work. There are only a few things I hate worse than a thief.
I would stand up for anyone's rights. You don' have be "powerful", wealthy, or have some pull of some sort. All anyone must do is be in the right to get my support. Kano is right to be pissed off GBminers at the way they procured his copyrighted and very valuable product. I think it is amazing that such a well-done and quality piece of software is out there as open-sources.
All anyone has to do to use it is to give credit to the developer you put their blood, swaeet and tears into making such a quality product.
All the SOB's had to do was LEAVE Kano's copyright mark alone and all would be fine. Instead these people blatantly replaced the valid copyright with their OWN worthless and meaningless copyright.
That makes me ILL.
I hope I'm not the only one who finds this wrong.
Now, Kano, about that Avalon....
Best wishes ya'll and keep on mining!!
p.s. I will be moving my "huge" amount oh hash back to Kano in the next couple hours when I have some easy access to my miners. Going to be suporrting the little guy again with what little hash rate I do have.
My suggestions to all, PLEASE SUPPORT the UNDERDOGS!!!
Good luck to all!!!