Kraken support has been added to the unstable version, we are currently fixing the last remaining kinks out of the cable.
Those stats were running CT, with gekko simulating trading with same settings on the side. They approximately agreed, and what you said about gekko's candles not being from 00sec to 60sec explained (some) variance.
Today I've started running just gekko, letting it trade and simulate at the same time. 1m period, Default DEMA & slippage.
so far simulation says:
2014-01-24 19:05:54 (INFO): (PROFIT REPORT) simulated profit: -0.00385 BTC (-0.62741%)
Which is about right. Hard to measure exactly since I'm currently holding GHS, plus it's been a lame day on the cex curve for dEMA.
(edit: Now I'm back in BTC. Simulated: 0.61022 / Actual: 0.61072 )
(edit again: few hours later Simulated: 0.60987 / Actual: 0.61094 ) increase mostly mining. Trades happened, but variance tiny.
And tiny loss bothers me not a jot, since the bot is there to make sure massive lurches in the graph get acted on quickly. (basically, so I can sleep ever.) I can take a little hit to the balance on flat days that trick EMA slightly, 'cuz the days with movement in the graphs make up for it, and the mined BTC from holding GHS @ cex balances out little hiccup losses. EMA values to 'prefer' holding GHS in flatline and very slow drift situations would be better for cex though to maximise mining.
I'm specifically running sim and real trading at the same time because of the mining from GHS held at cex; sim will show me what I'd have made just trading, whereas actual will in theory be higher due to mining rewards. (edit: knew it.) It's entirely possible at cex that's it's more profitable to sell less often in order to keep mining.
Awesome let me know how it goes. You can always set the sell threshold higher so that only really steep downtrends would trigger a sell.
Now I've seen it run and trade, more output suggestions!
'cos as it is now you can see simulation balances but not your actual balance...
So: after every trade, something like
"Bought XX for XX" would help clarify.
And: a portfolio report with % gain/loss much like that of simulated trading would also be good after every trade.
Also: Successful has one L
Thanks will look at this.
EDIT: someone requested that we output the trades
into a CSV file. Is this also something you would use?
One more thing: CT ignores amounts below 0.001, (i think) so there was always a bit of balance left in what one doesn't want to be holding. Word on CT's messageboard said that was a cex API limitation. Guess not, cos no such problem with gekko. Nice.
Another difference is that CT will sell mining rewards as they build up, often for unfavourable prices. Because gekko waits until the *beginning* of an EMA upswing, mining reward BTC are sold for GHS at the appropriate time, when they're (relatively) cheap. Double Nice.
Give it a day or two and I'll post how my graph looks after gekko's played with it!
Also: post your referral link already! Donations are nice but a referral is forever. Plus it's an utter delight having bot-wielding referrals in your cex charts, seeing them rise and fall as their bots trade the EMAs alongside one's own.
I'm interested in all your feedback! Here is my [reflink]( btw.
Uh oh! Semi-critical error:
2014-01-26 11:15:30 (ERROR): cancel order failed: Nonce must be incremented
I've noticed an identical error in cryptrade, so I'm guessing the actual error string is from cex itself, so maybe cex skips the odd nonce.
Difference is: when this happens, cryptrade carries right on regardless, but gekko hangs.
What it (probably) needs is to increment the nonce again and retry.
Also: this happened when there was an order open, which got left hanging.
When gekko started, it interpreted this as
GHS: -7.12206245
which obviously is weirdass, and makes things like this happen:
wanted to buy GHS but the amount is to small (-1.0696497) at
A "cancel / ignore open orders on start" line in the config and a tweak to the startup maths would help such confusion.
Edit: Once the order was cancelled by hand and gekko restarted, it traded it as usual.
So this error has probably to do with you using the same API keys for both CT and Gekko. The nonce has to do with security around the API: in every request applications do to the API they have to send a counter and this counter always needs to be higher than the last one. This is easy if you do all the requests (just write down the last counter everytime and up it by one). Though if you have the same keys for both Gekko and CT they will clash because they are unaware of eachothers counter.
Gekko and CT use the same library to connect to, Pulsecat was the author (though he copied it from my Bitstamp code). A fix for this particular issue has been suggested
almost 2 weeks ago. Unfortunately pulsecat needs to accept this fix and has not done this yet.
Edit again: having restarted gekko a few times, it's clear that a "get trading sim start balance from real balance" option would help lots.
Great idea Thanks!
looking for help..
i installed node.js
try to follow the installation steps and i get this once i put npm install
C:\Users\Lenovo\Desktop\gekko-master>npm install
npm ERR! install Couldn't read dependencies
npm ERR! package.json ENOENT, open 'C:\Users\Lenovo\Desktop\gekko-master\package
npm ERR! package.json This is most likely not a problem with npm itself.
npm ERR! package.json npm can't find a package.json file in your current directo
npm ERR! System Windows_NT 6.2.9200
npm ERR! command "C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\\\node.exe" "C:\\Program Files\\nod
ejs\\node_modules\\npm\\bin\\npm-cli.js" "install"
npm ERR! cwd C:\Users\Lenovo\Desktop\gekko-master
npm ERR! node -v v0.10.25
npm ERR! npm -v 1.3.24
npm ERR! path C:\Users\Lenovo\Desktop\gekko-master\package.json
npm ERR! errno 34
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Additional logging details can be found in:
npm ERR! C:\Users\Lenovo\Desktop\gekko-master\npm-debug.log
npm ERR! not ok code 0-
Could you list the contents of the gekko-master folder on your desktop? (screenshot for example).