the board and heatsync currently its at 54.8 Celsius is this a good temp?
What temps should it run at?
Are you keeping it in the freezer?
I know that you are joking, but 55C is burning hot...not F
my rule for compacs/2pacs is: if i can touch the metal with a finger for a few seconds without feeling a burn, than it is OK.
...I had students getting blisters when they "tried" a 72C water bath with their fingers thinking that it is roughly at a room temp..
Actually, never crossed my mind that Spill could have used F (he said 54.8 Celsius )
However, he said that the probe is between the board and the heat sink - i suspect that the temp is higher inside than on the outside as in: chips raise the temp on the inside and flowing air cools the heat sink from the outside, or something like that, it's been a while since physics class.