Then their makers have failed in most instances. It takes a lot of external variables to ensure a GSW (or multiple GSWs to the same person) is fatal.
What is the percentage chance that a person has for surviving, if he is hit in the head? 5%? 10%? or maximum 20%. So you can't say that they have failed completely.
I can't say what I didn't actually say. Read my bloody quote that you put there.
This first link is about as far as I have time to go in researching cranial GSW mortality. A quick skim finds it inconclusive on point, but instructive on how the non-fatal outcomes go.;year=2012;volume=3;issue=1;spage=98;epage=98;aulast=Lin#ref470,000 victims of GSWs resulting in 30,000 deaths annually, US
42.8% mortality rate overall,392 intentional self-inflicted fatalities by GSW in 2010, ensured by the inflictor controlling/removing external variables used a handgun
there are far fewer survivors with head wounds than chest or abdomen, obviously
whilst using a firearm to commit suicide is one of the most reliable methods,
it is not failsafe30000-19392=10608 fatal non-suicide GSWs
10608/70000=15% of GSWs are fatal in chaotic situations (including negligent discharges, which are most certainly not the intent of the makers, so decrease that percentage even more after including only intentionally killing others)
Well, guns ARE made for killing. It just depends whether it's moral on who you are killing.
Once the frak again... then their makers have FAILED in MOST instances.
To sum up:
Guns have NOT successfully inflicted mortality most of the time, and the minority of time that they have, it is partly due to negligence, and mostly due to suicide, neither of which are intended by gun makers. Suicide may not be moral in a religious sense, but nevertheless should be respected as a human right, if the inflictor doesn't cause physical or financial harm to others.