I say your math is not accurate, and also I cannot fully agree with calculation made by David Perry.
I guess no one can calculate it accurately.
The math isn't that difficult.
Reason is simple - your math is accurate with specific assumptions. But your assumptions may vary depends on a situation.
My math is based on what is impossible today, and what will continue to be impossible in the near future. The distant future is meaningless and not relevant to the discussion.
Do you know what was "impossible" in 1886?
Yes. Time travel was impossible in 1886. Accelerating an object with mass to a velocity greater than the speed of light was impossible in 1886. Brute-forcing a randomly generated RIPEMD-160 was impossible in 1886.
As you already wrote "there is a non-zero mathematically calculated probability".
And I agree that it's (almost) "impossible".
Something can have a "non-zero mathematically calculated probability" and still be considered "impossible" within the confines of the real universe.
Imagine a situation. Year 2025 - Bitcoin is still around and everyone loves it.
You don't know how fast the GPU and CPU will be in 10 years. Moore's law is not perfect as you know.
It doesn't need to be perfect. Nobody is going to be able to brute-force a 160 bit number in 10 years. Now, there certainly might be mathematical advances that make attacks on RIPEMD-160 easier within the next 10 years, but pure brute-force isn't going to be possible. If RIPEMD-160 is sufficiently weakend, then a new algorithm will be used. Fortunately bitcoins are protected by more than just RIPEMD-160. A broken RIPEMD-160 will only let you generate the results of a SHA-256 hash. Then you'd have to also break SHA-256 to generate a public key. Then, after that, you'd still need to break ECDSA to calculate a private key from the public key before you could successfully sign a transaction.
Let say that some evil genius built a botnet, botnet made from 100 000 000 of users. Possible, why not.
He will be able to generate such amount of addresses which we cannot imagine - per second.
Only 100 million users? Look back at my post. I based my calculations off 1 BILLION computers all generating and checking the balances of 1 BILLION transactions per second. I also assume that there are 2.1 quadrillion addresses. Your evil genius isn't very scary.
Still, his chances are close to "none". But will you still say the, that this is impossible?
I don't need the evidence that collision "is possible to" happen one day.
Clearly. You prefer to just say "it's possible" regardless of what that actually means and without any evidence at all.
Simple math is telling me that it "can" happen.
No. It isn't.
I keep saying that... From theoretical point of view, collision is possible.
No. It isn't. Not with any
reasonable definition of the word possible.
Your math is not accurate because at least one variable may change depends from a situation.
My math is fine for any "situation" that exists today or in the near future.
This graphic makes it easier to imagine what sort of a number we are talking about.
No. It doesn't. The graphic is talking about 2
256. That is a VERY different number than 2
256 is almost 800,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 times bigger than 2
160Would you say that a graphic about the number
1 makes it easier to imagine what sort of number 800,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 is?
If it's so simple, why your calculation is not accurate?
Perhaps it isn't, no matter how many times you try to say that it is.
Let me ask some primary school student to teach you
Please do.
This kind of a calculation is as accurate as carbon dating. So it's not accurate. And cannot be.
What does any of this have to do with carbon dating?
Or maybe you can calculate how many addresses we can generate per second? How can you do that? You cannot. So it's not accurate.
I might not be able to tell you exactly how many calculations any one particular person can generate (and check the balance of) per second. But I CAN demonstrate a number of calculations per second so large that any reasonable person will agree that that it is currently impossible. Then, I can demonstrate that even with that unrealistically large number of computations, you still can't brute-force RIPEMD-160.