That is basically it...
You never know, they might do something like graphs and all that other display stuff someday.
Probably way too complicated. There's a load of coins to track then, thousands and thousands of customers with different settings, and on top of that there's a bunch of auto/most profitable coins which have no known value until they are exchanged for the coin of choice for individuals again.
If you want to know how many coins you made, check your wallet once a day.
For Auto and exchanged coins, yes, stats for that might be
a bit more involved (and actually wouldn't have to be implemented). For the rest, I don't see your point. That's what mining pools do -- they have multiple customers, each with different settings, and many with multiple coins. It's not rocket science, it's just getting it done.
I'm okay with that actually. I rather see truth once in a while then fake counter with bogus numbers all the time
With no stats, you're not seeing
anything, you're just waiting and hoping to see what Santa Claus dumps in your stocking.
If you think that uses fake counters and bogus numbers, I have to tell you, nothing could be further from the truth. I and other miners there check the stats multiple times a day. The network hash rate figures, difficulty, etc. match up exactly with what's available publicly everywhere else. My own hash rates on my mining rigs match on their site exactly with what I'm seeing in MultiMiner on my PC. Did you by some chance once happen to use a mining pool that had "fake counters and bogus numbers"? If so, I'd be very surprised if they were still in business today...