I believe authority-based societies are a thing of the past (or soon will be). It creates this feeling of separation: there are "them" and "us". And as separation grows this division becomes more evident, "they" try to become a master race turning "us" into slaves. This is the end game in every authority-based society no matter how good it starts. Everyone should become their own authority. Why should some people born on the same planet tell other people what to do? F@#k "them"!
In bitcoin society everyone is equal in front of the network. All conflicts of interest should be resolved the same way as conflicts in the blockchain are resolved! Yes by voting with your computer power. End of story.
The "them" and "us" thing does not affect the basis of society. The Occupy crowd all accept that the state is legitimate as do the Tea Party. "them" and "us" is a debate about redistribution. What percentage of people does society have to carry in order to avoid disruption?
Things are going to change and change a lot. The current model of society is not an exception.
Here is an excellent video, why state and the old ways will become irrelevant: