Germany is doing it right. Why would you devote unnecessary money to the wasteful arms industry when the threat of war is so small and the US spends more than enough to defend all NATO allies anyway?
what a fucking joke!!! why do you think those evil german have done everything to have giant auto factory? you know the word retrofitting? anyway it ain't the german scumbag earning less than 3E/h but the sob and mof that want to loot... you will see for the final round. they even put some factory in spain...
edit: btw it's them + the French that oppose the arrival of CHINESE CARS... certainly who else... ACT OF WAR.
So just to clarify, "giant auto factory" is your proof of what now? When I see a large auto factory that is producing cars, I assume it's for producing the cars it's producing. It sounds like you are trying to tell me the only reason Germans build cars is so they can actually build tanks, which they're not actually doing.
it's called latent potential. never played a rts? bent on creating the 4th reich and of course for their elite to fuck everything that is at the eastern border,,, remember they aren't Aryan (you will never met those germans, they aren't in the street of de).
Right, just wanted to make sure that building cars was not the primary motivation for having car factories, but actually having a secret arms capability to create the 4th Reich. Glad we got that out in the open.
one word: revenge.
Never go full retard.
If you can explain me the girls exploitation around and inside Germany I would be happy to hear, but let's face it, secret service of potus, germans, all the same, mens that can't find love in a world aimed and controlled by evil doers, competition, domination, force, strength, winning... where are the feelings... I must be from a long gone world.
But, at this one is important,
that's what western woman wants (or the majority, as the minority is irrelevant statistically).