I'm a proud bitcoiner and been hodling since 2013. But this "press is FUD" stuff is just so childish.
I agree there's not a conspiracy in the press, its just that the vast majority of people aren't into bitcoin (yet!), and so those 99% of people often have feelings of anger when they see something that other people are getting super excited about that is making them rich left and right. Most people will feel they couldn't possibly have missed out on something so spectacular so it must be fake, it must be a fraud, or a bubble that'll pop and never come back, it must be all hype, the technology must be useless and just scamming people because no real useful asset could ever just keep going up like that. So on every bull run they scream "fraud", "fake", "scam", etc and then on every bear market they say "see told ya" and figure the bear market will last forever, and as soon as it turns around they started screaming the usual negative things born out of ignorance and will claim that this is just a temporary swing up before the decline continues. And every time they are wrong, which furthers the feeling of insult they have at not only missing out but also being wrong time and time again.
The press are just normal people, and most people haven't researched bitcoin appropriately (including the people in the press who write about it) will think this way until they do finally do the proper research, because they can't comprehend something that anyone can buy and take part in could just keep exploding in price and make anyone rich because there has literally never been anything like Bitcoin before.
There is no conspiracy against bitcoin, it is simply ignorance that makes people think nothing can keep going up like this, because they don't realize that this is the first time people have been able to invest directly in a technology, rather than investing in a company that uses a technology and only that once the company is made public once the wealthy early investors have already loaded up for years while it is illegal for anyone who isn't rich to buy in. And of course it doesn't hurt that bitcoin was literally designed to continually explode with adoption in price due to the supply cap and halving schedule.