When you say good education, e go come be like say you need to study about crypto well well before you go de reason to invest in Bitcoin or any crypto of your choice. Normally, People when still de reason say crypto na ponzi or say e no de beneficial na people when no really sabi how crypto take de work and possibly, because them don hear about the risk when de inside crypto and never pay attention to know say the risk na just based on the volatile nature of crypto and nothing more.
No, try to understand the angle the op of this thread they come from, you need good education no mean say you must use years study am, I believe say wetin him dy try talk is that you need the right education or information.
You know say one of the major problem we get in this country naija, especially toward cryptocurrency na misinformation or wrong knowledge shared, and to tell you the truth for we country wey we dy so, so many people still dy see crypto as scam or Ponzi scheme base on say when them been get the information about Bitcoin and crypto na the wrong information them been hear, so misinformation na one major thing the op is trying to talk about when talking about the getting a good education on cryptocurrency.
Then lastly, in other to succeed in any business or any field, your level education on that field na one major thing wey go determine wether you go dy successful in it or not, because having the right knowledge is key in everything you do.
Exactly, in fact, I'm shocked seeing two of my friends that saw when I posted Bitcoin @$100k, asked me whether Bitcoin no be scam, imagine that people are still seeing Bitcoin as a ponzi business and not legit and this is as result of no education or misinformation about Bitcoin, thus making it needful for people to have proper education about cryptocurrency and not actually a university degree kind of.
Someone who has proper knowledge about a business that he or she wants to venture into is always on a better side of the business than someone who doesn't have any knowledge.
And I'm of side of getting a bit of knowledge or education about whatever you want invest or put your hard earned money.