
Topic: Getting My First Whole Bitcoin? - page 23. (Read 65125 times)

sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
May 24, 2016, 03:00:32 AM
I have been using Bitcoin since June 2015 and still don't have a whole Bitcoin.

What is the fastest way to get my first Bitcoin (without purchasing one myself)!

Please share any systems that you use, or PM me with the systme if you don't want it sharing with any other party.
getting your first bitcoin ever that would be nice you can buy allot if things with it funny things or just things that you need in life like food or clothes you can do everything with it so dont worry be happy./

Well I'm also waiting for that time that I can get my first bitcoin ever. I can't wait to have that. I would probably pay first our bills.
Electricity bill, water bill and other bills as well.
So that I can return a simple goodness to my parents.

I think that would be pretty stupid if you gained so long on one bitcoin you can better wait till it has a good price and later on sell it for a higher price than you are even making more profit and money.
I also would not spend it to bills and how do you want to do this if I may ask because you cannot most likely pay directly with it.
This would also mean you gained indeed for a while for one bitcoin and than directly spend it...
hero member
Activity: 924
Merit: 500
May 23, 2016, 11:14:25 AM
I have been using Bitcoin since June 2015 and still don't have a whole Bitcoin.

What is the fastest way to get my first Bitcoin (without purchasing one myself)!

Please share any systems that you use, or PM me with the systme if you don't want it sharing with any other party.
getting your first bitcoin ever that would be nice you can buy allot if things with it funny things or just things that you need in life like food or clothes you can do everything with it so dont worry be happy./

Well I'm also waiting for that time that I can get my first bitcoin ever. I can't wait to have that. I would probably pay first our bills.
Electricity bill, water bill and other bills as well.
So that I can return a simple goodness to my parents.

I think that would be pretty stupid if you gained so long on one bitcoin you can better wait till it has a good price and later on sell it for a higher price than you are even making more profit and money.
Yeah also bitcoin is not for payment purposes to pay your all bills it needs patience to have more value in the future..  to me i just holding my bitcoin and hoping that the price of my bitcoin will be double after block halving after this year.. i am dreaming to use bitcoin in the future.. honestly some of my bitcoin i use to buy domain and hosting only for those not for paying bills because this is not a job this is just my hobby..
hero member
Activity: 896
Merit: 1000
Live Stars - Adult Streaming Platform
May 23, 2016, 10:29:13 AM
I have been using Bitcoin since June 2015 and still don't have a whole Bitcoin.

What is the fastest way to get my first Bitcoin (without purchasing one myself)!

Please share any systems that you use, or PM me with the systme if you don't want it sharing with any other party.
getting your first bitcoin ever that would be nice you can buy allot if things with it funny things or just things that you need in life like food or clothes you can do everything with it so dont worry be happy./

Well I'm also waiting for that time that I can get my first bitcoin ever. I can't wait to have that. I would probably pay first our bills.
Electricity bill, water bill and other bills as well.
So that I can return a simple goodness to my parents.

I think that would be pretty stupid if you gained so long on one bitcoin you can better wait till it has a good price and later on sell it for a higher price than you are even making more profit and money.
Activity: 84
Merit: 10 Bitcoin*Sports*Betting
May 23, 2016, 09:17:50 AM
Getting your first coin be be done by signature campaigns because its easy and also without risks, I can really recommend it.

Everyone said this and its true its good to do it by signature campaigns, this is because with campaign you can earn bitcoins, its risk free and the best fact in my eyes is that you learn a lot of things about the bitcoin.

yes I agree and I can even attest that it is very progressive doing the signature campaign, So this is the best way to get started with your first btc .
hero member
Activity: 840
Merit: 501
Strength in Numbers
May 23, 2016, 08:09:49 AM
I have been using Bitcoin since June 2015 and still don't have a whole Bitcoin.

What is the fastest way to get my first Bitcoin (without purchasing one myself)!

Please share any systems that you use, or PM me with the systme if you don't want it sharing with any other party.
getting your first bitcoin ever that would be nice you can buy allot if things with it funny things or just things that you need in life like food or clothes you can do everything with it so dont worry be happy./

Well I'm also waiting for that time that I can get my first bitcoin ever. I can't wait to have that. I would probably pay first our bills.
Electricity bill, water bill and other bills as well.
So that I can return a simple goodness to my parents.
Activity: 91
Merit: 10
May 23, 2016, 07:38:23 AM
I have been using Bitcoin since June 2015 and still don't have a whole Bitcoin.

What is the fastest way to get my first Bitcoin (without purchasing one myself)!

Please share any systems that you use, or PM me with the systme if you don't want it sharing with any other party.
getting your first bitcoin ever that would be nice you can buy allot if things with it funny things or just things that you need in life like food or clothes you can do everything with it so dont worry be happy./
Activity: 55
Merit: 0
May 23, 2016, 07:33:40 AM
Signature campaigns are the best for real, they are so profitable , require no investments only your spare time.
I consider it as the best method available.

Yup signature campaign is best way to earn bitcoin I'm weekly or monthly interval, it will of course take some time but it will be worth it because you will get your bitcoin step for step.
Yeah signature is the best if you are none skilled person. but honestly it takes 8 months or more to make a 1 btc.. its better to study a skill in 2 months and start offering your service in services section.. you can get the 1 btc fast in few months or weeks..

I think it is hard to sell a skin n the marketplace. It is quite eassy to post for a signature campaign with fixed payments.
What would you recommend to be a skill to sell that would be useful to the marketplace.
You should not to invest in gambling because than you are losing a lot of money and the chance is really small that you can earn some profit with it.
But you have also to know that there are more people that is going to use Bitcoin.
sr. member
Activity: 364
Merit: 250
May 23, 2016, 04:36:47 AM
Signature campaigns are the best for real, they are so profitable , require no investments only your spare time.
I consider it as the best method available.

Yup signature campaign is best way to earn bitcoin I'm weekly or monthly interval, it will of course take some time but it will be worth it because you will get your bitcoin step for step.
Yeah signature is the best if you are none skilled person. but honestly it takes 8 months or more to make a 1 btc.. its better to study a skill in 2 months and start offering your service in services section.. you can get the 1 btc fast in few months or weeks..

I think it is hard to sell a skin n the marketplace. It is quite eassy to post for a signature campaign with fixed payments.
What would you recommend to be a skill to sell that would be useful to the marketplace.
It is nice that you have a first whole Bitcoin and so you can better wait a higher value and that is the bad thing of it because it can takes a long time until it will be more worth.
But you have to know that there are more people that is going to have some Bitcoin but nobody will know what will happen.
copper member
Activity: 2856
Merit: 3071 lightning theory
May 21, 2016, 04:51:20 PM
Getting your first coin be be done by signature campaigns because its easy and also without risks, I can really recommend it.

Everyone said this and its true its good to do it by signature campaigns, this is because with campaign you can earn bitcoins, its risk free and the best fact in my eyes is that you learn a lot of things about the bitcoin.

This is true! You can earn Bitcoin and learn about it at the same time.... This was useful for me getting into Bitcoin as it gave me a reason to come on the forum at least once a week and learn about it and Bitcoin along with talking to other users.
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
May 21, 2016, 02:06:04 PM
Getting your first coin be be done by signature campaigns because its easy and also without risks, I can really recommend it.

Everyone said this and its true its good to do it by signature campaigns, this is because with campaign you can earn bitcoins, its risk free and the best fact in my eyes is that you learn a lot of things about the bitcoin.
sr. member
Activity: 462
Merit: 250
May 21, 2016, 01:24:57 PM
Getting your first coin be be done by signature campaigns because its easy and also without risks, I can really recommend it.
sr. member
Activity: 266
Merit: 250
May 21, 2016, 09:20:55 AM
Probably the fastest way would be to go on various GPT sites and complete offers/surveys/etc and get giftcards like Amazon, then trade them in for btc.
no the probably fastest way it to mine them thats for sure the fastest and free way to get them. So just mining them costs nothing and
you will get them for free that's a win win situation.

I don't mining today is profitable as many keep on telling that mining is not really profitable to day and in the industry you have many chinese competitors
that are owning now the mines. Better try to find other ways of getting your first whole bitcoin.

Mining bitcoin is too expensive in Europe. The electricity there is not expensive. You also need to pay import duty on the miners.
Even in other countries mining bitcoin is not profitable as of now.. but if you hold your bitcoin right now and be patience dont spend your bitcoin just use your money job to pay for electricity and wait for block halving to sell your bitcoin when the price reach 700 above you can sell it and make more profit..
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
May 21, 2016, 09:11:38 AM
Probably the fastest way would be to go on various GPT sites and complete offers/surveys/etc and get giftcards like Amazon, then trade them in for btc.
no the probably fastest way it to mine them thats for sure the fastest and free way to get them. So just mining them costs nothing and
you will get them for free that's a win win situation.

I don't mining today is profitable as many keep on telling that mining is not really profitable to day and in the industry you have many chinese competitors
that are owning now the mines. Better try to find other ways of getting your first whole bitcoin.

Mining bitcoin is too expensive in Europe. The electricity there is not expensive. You also need to pay import duty on the miners.
hero member
Activity: 840
Merit: 501
Strength in Numbers
May 17, 2016, 09:07:14 AM
Probably the fastest way would be to go on various GPT sites and complete offers/surveys/etc and get giftcards like Amazon, then trade them in for btc.
no the probably fastest way it to mine them thats for sure the fastest and free way to get them. So just mining them costs nothing and
you will get them for free that's a win win situation.

I don't mining today is profitable as many keep on telling that mining is not really profitable to day and in the industry you have many chinese competitors
that are owning now the mines. Better try to find other ways of getting your first whole bitcoin.
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1068
WOLF.BET - Provably Fair Crypto Casino
May 17, 2016, 09:05:31 AM
It will take long with signature campaigns, gambling might be to risky but you could try to find some freelancer job paid in BTC especially if you have some skills.
sr. member
Activity: 322
Merit: 250
May 17, 2016, 08:46:11 AM
If I was you I would do some signature campaigns because signature campaigns are very easy to do and I think you can make a lot of money with doing this.
In the overall experience there is a good chance that you will get it if you combine all of these methods.
sr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 250
May 17, 2016, 08:40:19 AM
Probably the fastest way would be to go on various GPT sites and complete offers/surveys/etc and get giftcards like Amazon, then trade them in for btc.
no the probably fastest way it to mine them thats for sure the fastest and free way to get them. So just mining them costs nothing and
you will get them for free that's a win win situation.
Activity: 84
Merit: 10
May 17, 2016, 04:55:26 AM
Right now from the experience of other members here , the best way to get 1 BTC is looking for a new airdrop\free distributed coins like DCR as the last example disturbed free , now i have val coin who know what future holds . keep your eyes on
hero member
Activity: 644
Merit: 500
May 17, 2016, 04:41:51 AM
If you want to start to have a Bitcoin than you should know that it can takes a long time until the value will be more worth because it needs also time to rise.
And it can also takes a long time until you have one whole Bitcoin and that is also takes a long time.

Getting a whole bitcoin by all this methods is pretty time taking, but you do not get your bitcoin for nothing of course. You have to earn your bitcoins by signature campaign. Try to join in good campaign to earn good amount of bitcoins and trading is also good option to earn the bitcoins faster,You can make more than 5 bitcoins in 6 months If you give good offer in trading.
sr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 250
May 17, 2016, 03:14:16 AM
I have been using Bitcoin since June 2015 and still don't have a whole Bitcoin.

What is the fastest way to get my first Bitcoin (without purchasing one myself)!

Please share any systems that you use, or PM me with the systme if you don't want it sharing with any other party.
That's not quiet hard to get men. You can simply mine them to get your first whole  bitcoin. Or you can invest the coins you all ready have
and make more out of them. But i prefer to mine it's for free it only takes time but you don't have to sit behind your computer for the whole day.
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