That account you're logged into right now is actually an asset. If you're brand new, it may not be much of an asset just yet, but as you learn the ropes, make intelligent posts, and simply allow time to go by, your account will grow in value.
Because your account is an asset you will want to protect it in two ways. The first way is to give it a robust password. If you registered your account using some kind of easy to remember password that you use for half a dozen other accounts, then change it now. You can easily generate a strong password on Passwords Generator or you can use a different random password generating service. Once you've reset your password to a robust one, please record it in your LastPass vault or whichever password management service you use. Make a point to change to a new robust password at regular intervals.
The second way to protect your account is to make sure that you are posting in a way that will reflect well on you and your account. Do not spam threads with posts that do nothing more than promote some product. Do share your relevant opinions as you develop them but do so in a way that is professional, well thought out, and courteous. Be willing to consider other people's viewpoints as well. Avoid flaming of any kind. At the beginning posting intelligent posts is going to mean asking good questions and then taking the time to read through the replies. At the very beginning you can expect to be doing a lot more reading than writing.
Your account gains status on this forum through a combination of the passage of time and your post count. There is no way to quickly move up levels by simply posting a lot, so don't do that. You can make an effort to log in and post something once a day, but only if you have something to say. If you don't have something to say, then keep reading and educating yourself.
There isn't a magic formula or anything, but in general, people here feel more comfortable doing business with accounts that have been around for a while and which carry higher ranks. Account status makes enough of a difference that miscreants do attempt to hack into high status accounts and lock the original owner out of them, and then try to post as that original owner. This is why a robust password is so important.
Whether or not you own any Bitcoin at this time, you do have your BitcoinTalk account. Treat is as the valuable asset that it is. It may well turn out to be your most important crypto-asset