Well this is just too sad. This is one of the factors that investors are concerned of, losing profit because of deflation but there’s no point of giving up. Besides it’s still not the end of the year, why not hodl on a little more?
Actually i think there is no other option left, than to wait for the market to recover. If he sell his portfolio now in loss, he will be forever in loss.
The key to note is that even if your portfolio is in loss, you are actually not in a loss, unless you less in loss.
So I would suggest to wait for few more month and defiantly all the prices will recover.
Well before even making an investment, i think you should already prepare yourself to wait for a long time because we can't really foresee how the market will move. Selling at a loss, well this big of a loss, would be traumatic and would probably make you stay away from btc and crypto.