It is my first time posting a penny auction, can you guys give me any advice?
It is currently set at 48 Hours, and 1 Credit to bid....
First, thanks for trying out my site, here are my suggestions:
Your credits per bid is really low, you probably want to do something more like 20 credits or 50 credits per bid for the value of the item you posted.
1) Lets say your auction get's bidded up to $2, 1 credit per bid will only earn you 200*1=200 credits, however 50 credits per bid will earn you 10000 credits. Thats enough credits to easily win many other items posted on the site
2) I think it's great you posted that many bitcoins on the site, but I would suggest maybe posting a lower value item at first (1 casasious bitcoin perhaps??). Many bidders will feel uncomfortable spendig credits on auctions from sellers with 0 feedback rating as they have a high tenden not to ship items so you are probably not getting the most value for you auction. Once you get a good feedback rating, you will get many more bidders. Also this will give you a chance to get a feel how the system works.
Now, my site won't allow you to edit auctions once there are bids placed and you already have 4 bidders. However, if you want to repost, just pm me and I will refund bidders their credits and delete post from the backend so you could repost with my suggestions. Also, if your okay with your posts, that fine by me as it's possible it may get bidded up high; but just my recommendation as I rather you not have a bad experience.
Also, I will work on fixing the password issue, thanks for pointing that out; I'm definitely open to any feedback how I can make the system better.