I have removed this link from the OP while we investigate. Thanks so much for your support.
You can always contact us on Skype 24/7/365 user: GlobalBoost
Np dev ))
I just wanted to update a miner and was delighted that the speed of mining will now be more at ~ 25%.
I know there is, real miners, sometimes defined as a trojan / virus / spy, while they are not, just the code inside the miner was written incorrectly, causing anti-virus software and firewalls define such programs as malicious. But it happens very rarely, and such programs do not start dropping files outside the directory miner, so even with suspicious names.
And by the way KIS swore not only to himself minerd.exe, but also on those files that drops miner, it eZWPc7z.exe and 27.
And about it:
The miner works fine here, it seems like it also does with other users.
Like i said in the topic, this miner version got shared via Tweeter.
If you think it's harmfull, please remove it from the OP.
But i'm not responsable for the things you claim here.
OK, Then why after starting your miner appear third-party programs and links outside the root directory of the miner? And autostart Internet Explorer with danger site?
How can you explain the appearance here this files immediately after the start of your miner?
What evidence do you have that this is not the behavior of a trojan your program?
And I now have such evidence. Moreover, I can lay out here a screenshot of KIS, immediately as soon as you launch your miner.
Probably these files (eZWPc7z.exe and 27) and give the very + 25% mining speed? )))
I repeat: This miner version got spreaded on Tweeter. It is in no way MY miner.
If you think it's harmfull, then please delete all links to it.
I'm mining using that software for 1 1/2 week now, and i have none on those files you mention.
I just have a minerd, who... well, mines.
Ok, but the fact remains. If a miner everything was fine, extraneous files are not created by themselves when you run miner.
Perhaps after these files are created and do their job, then they are removed. But nobody knows what they are doing and this is clearly something wrong. An inexperienced user will not notice their creation, especially if he has no normal computer protection.
And advise you not to use it unless you want to look for adventure...
*P.S. BSTY team, would you happen to have wallet source code so I can compile an optimized wallet for myself? I also do in-wallet mining and based on the hash rates I am seeing I doubt there are any optimizations for my processors in the precompiled wallet. While I would prefer source code so I can review, if you are opposed to making the source available, would you compile and make available a wallet with newer optimizations (AVX2, etc...)?