Hey guys,
I hope you are well! There are now 15 coins using the Yescrypt code that we brought to crypto! I expect this to continue as more blockchains enter the space.
I have been on a world tour, speaking at cryptocurrency conferences across the globe. I'm always promoting GlobalBoost and the platform we have built/are building. If you would like to participate in the development and/or promotion of GlobalBoost please contact me on Telegram user: BrucePorter or my phone/WhatsApp is: +1 202 436 6577.
I'm working on getting GlobalBoost $BSTY on some more exchanges. We will start to see the benefits of this in the coming months. Of course the price and volume are always helping in these negotiations. Remember our 50 coin block reward halves this October to 25!
GlobalBoost is building an SEC compliant wallet to legally raise money for ICO's in the US. It's about ready to launch, maybe as soon as June 1st. Follow me on Twitter
http://twitter.com/NetworksManager and
http://twitter.com/GlobalBoost for latest updates.
I may speak in London (
https://bisshow.com) next week but it's not confirmed yet. Below are my next three confirmed speaking engagement. If you can come it would be awesome to meet you!
1. June 25,26 World Blockchain Summit Frankfurt, Germany.
https://frankfurt.worldblockchainsummit.com 2. June 27-29 CX4 Cryptospere
http://cx4co.com 3. July 9 CryptoSpace Berlin
http://cryptospace.berlinIf you are US based and come to one cyrptocurrency conference this June it should be the CX4 Cryptospere in Colorado. I'll be speaking and we're packing the place out with Venture Capitalist, folks who accept crypto, and top ICO's in the space. Use this link for a 10% discount:
http://cx4co.com/partner/drewtI'm working with the Wild West Crypto Show and you can catch our broadcasts at:
http://WildWestCryptoShow.com and on my Twitter. If you have a project that you would like us to feature on the show let me know. I'm always pumping GlobalBoost on the show and will dedicate a 15 minute slot to promoting the project in the next week or so. I'll let you know the exact times.
All The Best!
Bruce Porter, Jr.
CEO GlobalBoost
Telegram: BrucePorter
[email protected]+1 202 436 6577