We are mainly active in our slack: slack.gnosis.pm, the subreddit: reddit.com/r/gnosisPM/
Here is a good overview about the current state of the project: https://www.reddit.com/r/gnosisPM/comments/5t36om/gnosis_faq/
You can find more content about Gnosis on our blog: https://blog.gnosis.pm/ - however, if there is demand we will include this thread as well into the list of places where you can get recent updates.
Ping me here if you have questions!
What are your long term plans for Gnosis and how long of a timescale is it? Because if your funding runs out before reaching your long term plans, how are you going to raise money again?
Another issue for me is, wouldnt it be a problem for Gnosis if Ethereum doesnt solve its scaling problem? Would you be interested in building your platform on ETC instead if they have a better scaling solution?