is that he works for blockstream.. who work for hyperledger(bankers altcoin)
The fact of the matter is that for a least a few of the vocal people involved do not actually want a fork and don't really believe that users want it either. They just want to disrupt Bitcoin, create FUD, and slow technical progress while then invest in competing systems.
as for the last sentence i underlined from him. he loves his fiat and monero income.. get has not stable bitcoin income/if any.
blockstream got MILLIONS of dollars for a team of say 40.. thats nearly $2million each if equally split. with maxwell being he cheif tech/supervisor im sure his cut is much higher.
he has lost all care and desire for bitcoin. all his idea's have been to push the community apart with:
intentional splits.. not consensual upgrades
increasing fee's to throw third world unbankable countries out of bounds of using bitcoin
now he is pushing hard with his colleagues for LN (bank 2.0) which has many and high fee's
going against blockstream is not disrupting bitcoin. its instead preventing banker dictatorship twisting bitcoin away from "permissionless affordable peer-to-peer currency with no barrier of entry" to what blockstream want, which is "permissioned hubs with fee's, penalties, settlement delays, and chargebacks"
permissioned: LN= dual signed multisig ...buzzword: 'bidirectional channels' managed by hubs
fee's: open channel onchain fee, LN swap fee, multihop fee, hub management fee, close channel onchain fee
penalties: not signing in acceptable time, denying payment
settlement delays: coin maturity after confirmation onchain (CLTV)
chargeback: output revoke codes (CSV)
the devs:
who they really work for and got millions of dollars investment from.. (hyperledger)