Just the newest noobs who didn't discover Bitcoin until last autumn. Judging by the number of low-activity posters, you could be right though.
Of the about 2.2 million bitcoin owners now, only about 0.5 million can have bought in at <$300. The rest have joined in the last 4 months.
We now have 252k members, of whom 100k has joined Nov-2013 or more recently. Source: public memberlog.
The forum membership is not growing as quickly as bitcoin, since there is less and less reason for lurkers to join in the discussion. (And unfortunately less reason for present members to contribute. Or lurkers to lurk.)
Thanks Risto. It confirms my suspicions but I didn't think it was quite that extreme. Over 80% of BTC owners came in in the last 4 months? Wow.
My guess is that the percentage of miners among the 20% older owners is a lot higher than among the 80% newer owners.
Likewise, I would think the percentage of miners is much higher among more senior forum members than among the newer members.