Sorry for not updating for so long.
I've been travelling for the last couple of months, so no development, just field testing.
It should last for a couple of more months and then I will be back.
Before I left, I made version 1.8.0 - I've just tagged it, as it's been quite stable.
I have it running on my windows laptop and a linux VPS and it has been working fine for the last couple of months.
Once I had to restart it, as it hanged after over 50 days of uptime - I have some ideas why, will try to fix it, but first would like to see it happening again.
Also it well rejected the invalid block mined recently by BU node, although there was also something I will have to look at, as I found one debug of when it happened weird.
Anyway, the current 1.8.0 has segwit support and a few other cool things, and it's stable.
I got rid of the downloader, as the client is now able to sync the chain just as fast (with some additional command line switches).
As for the future development.
When I come back home, I want to make it possible to bootstrap (and further run) the node with only the block headers and a corresponding UTXO snapshot.
Basically it will be possible to run the full node without downloading and keeping the blockchain on the disk.
It will only keep the headers and the UTXO db. At this moment it's about 3GB of data.
Obviously it will be an optional feature and you will still be able to keep (and serve) all the blocks, if you please.
I've been thinking to establish some industry-wide standard for distributing a secured (first by the community signatures, later ideally by the chain protocol itself) UTXO snapshots, but it's not going to happen any soon, as it seems to be involving shit loads of politicking.
So I will just start with my own little solution and see from there, because I find this feature quite necessary already, as new people are very reluctant to try full nodes since they need so much time to bootstrap. Plus the blocks on my travel laptop have already taken so much space that I had to start removing porn, and that's really disturbing